A trip to the Emerald Islands

Heather C. Meade
Life, growth, change and love
3 min readJun 19, 2018

Gingt was a small boy but smart which is why he was chosen for this task. His family needed a product from one of the emerald islands off the cost of their great contintent J’hadorant. They had thought about travel on foot to the shade to get their hands on this item but the magic there was un relieable.

So off sailed Gingt a boy of 16 years of birth reconition. He wanted to prove to his father he was up for this task. Though he didnt know what the item was just where to sail. Not many travel to the island of Vintorus and what was known is the race of man there was pure they did not let outsiders breed with them.

They were also the men to go to when you needed one thing and that would be poison. They made every kind all unique and all never been able to be replicated but of studiers of poison. This made Gingt uncomfortable but times had been changing. Darkness was growing in The Shades and other talks of war between house holds have been growing.

Vintorus was hidden almost unseen within the Emerald Islands. Only one captain knew how to get there and even he was uneasey making the trip decpite the cold he was bring paid.

Just meet the hooded figure on the dock pay him get the merchandise then leave back home to Blyther back on the large contintent of J’hadorant. The sea water started to look darker as they approached the island.

The island itself was fruit full of jungle trees and fruits. But the sea black as night meaning dark magic was most likely done here. the boat haulted suddenly and Gingt realized they docked. Gingt reassured the captain that only he needed to leave the boat and would be back soon.

Gingt got on the docks looking around for anyone or anything. Not a man in sight. He was in the right place with the right payment. Then withouth words or steps Gingt was pulled down and a hooded made of very pale looked at him .

“Do you bring was is promised” the hooded man asked

“yes, here” Gingt tossed a bloody bag for to him.

“Then here is was you seek boy but beware this poison will start a war unlike any other men have seen. Be careful before you kill with that. Its only meant for one person and as requested little to no pain…funny since your killing him anyway.”

“Our business is our own. Thank you good Ser but ill be off”

“Remember this moment boy when i told you about the war this poison will create. Remember. “

Gingt got back on the boat and told the captian to hurry and get going. His heart was pounding, magic folk often went insane rare ones who can handle the magic are few and far between. Gingt looked at the vile it read “Peaceful forever dreams”Gingt hope so. because this actually may start that war the crazy islander was talking about.

But something had to change and for that people must die. Those were Gingts fathers words. And now Gingt thought It is my time to make the world as it should be once again. Starting with a vile of “Peaceful forever dreams”

