Facebook Silent Treatment…look people are 4 years old again

Heather C. Meade
Life, growth, change and love
2 min readMay 5, 2018

I remember like when i was 4 and mad, immature ect i did the silent treatment at a few people i was mad at that. By 5 i grew out of it. So now I am on facebook right I only have friends that i actually send messages to and am not worried about getting like 1000 people to be my friend.

So i noticed something. Again I come from a small town where people dont tell you they are mad at you they tell everyone else. So I had not been on facebook for a few weeks I didnt get like any messages or whatever dinging my phone so i go online a few days ago send some messages to people i havent really talked to and honestly wanted to know how they were doing (ive dont this before im not that person who only messages people on their birthday) and a few replied but some didnt. So i sent another message to the people who didnt (not like long messages) and nothing.

This has happened before onece or twice and this time I decided to actually figure out what was going on with one of these “friends”. I called her husband who has been a friend also and asked hey is your wife like pissed at me cuz i honestly dont know what i could have dont they live like an hour or two away.

GUESS what she is mad at me. Im back in 5th grade no Im 4 again. He didnt know why or didnt tell me I dont really care because facebook silent treatment punishment is SOOOOOO horrible (sarcasm). But really are we doing this like if your mad at someone you cant even say it to them. I know ignoring people solves SOO many problems but I always tell someone hey you upset me. So new rule want to ignore me because your mad for something i have no clue i did then are we really friends much less facebook friends…..DELETE. And for those of you who do this ignoring thing on facebook why dont you just delete them you obviously dont thing they are your friends. But what do I know.

