The Man

Heather C. Meade
Life, growth, change and love
2 min readJun 5, 2018

Lets admit we are all a little weird or soemthing yes we want to be perfect snowflakes but well thats the rub. Doesnt mean anything bad just come on we are all a little weird. Ok for example I am a total nerd, I love Star Trek, Game of thrones, Skyrim, simpsons, family guys, nuclear engery and so on.

But there has to be a line right. Our brains are naturally intunned to get well lets call them the “creeps” around people we feel are unsafe. It is a reaction deep within the animal brain and even thought we weed it out its there.

My neightbor I dont know him he doesnt talk to us. I talks to himself, and at night will start laughing uncontolabley even made up to one of our windows.

Awhile ago he removed his fireplace because i guess the devil was in it. He has cameras in his back yard now because when some kids broke into his back yard doing stupid kid things and found what looked like 3 empty graves this guy put up cameras.

I have met ALOT of weird people, messed up, not all there, crazy but this guy gives me the deep freaks. There are never explanations only rumors. Rumors of killing neighbors dogs rumors of being in and out of hospitals, rumors that no one dare confront but I get a feeling from him it scares me. But who knows maybe i scare him.

