Meet Spencer…

Collin Theatre Center
Heathers Cast
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2018

Spencer Bovaird plays the role of JD in the upcoming production of Heathers: The Musical at Collin Theatre Center.

Q: What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?

A: The biggest challenge about the role of JD is finding the darkness behind the character.

Q: JD does have some darkness, why is this difficult as an actor?

A: I’ve always been a pretty optimistic, happy-go-lucky kind of guy, so to portray someone like JD who has such a troubled past has been a bit of an adventure. I have to connect with emotions I haven’t had to very often and it becomes challenging to find those emotions on stage even though I’m having so much fun offstage.

Q: Besides yourself, which actor in this production is going to blow people away?

A: I think everyone is going to be blown away by Jordan LaGrenade’s portrayal of Martha Dunnstock. On top of one of the most amazing voices I’ve ever heard, she brings such a heartfelt innocence to the character and she just makes your heart melt. Her rendition of “Kindergarten Boyfriend” brings me to the brink of tears every time.

Q: Who’s the funniest person in the cast in real life?

A: The funniest person in the cast is probably Stewart Wentz, who plays Kurt. He has a witty comeback for everything and his comedic timing is absolutely impeccable. He always has some sort of joke going on whether it’s in his physicality or an actual verbal joke, but on top of that he still remains professional in the rehearsal environment.

Q: What do you do when you’re not doing theatre?

A: When I’m not doing theatre, I’m usually at home spending time with my family. My family is an extremely important part of my life and without them I wouldn’t be pursuing what I love. My whole family is highly theatrical though, so in a way it’s like I’m still doing theatre when I go home to them.

Collin Theatre Center’s production of Heathers begins previews on March 6th. Click here to purchase tickets and find out more information about the show.

