100-word stories

Age of Majority Card

63: Who knew renting movies would help me buy beer?

H.C. Holmes
Wylde at Heart Publishing
1 min readApr 17, 2022


Photo by the_lightwriter on AdobeStock

Excited, I slid three 12-packs of my favourite craft beer across the counter.

“Is that everything?” Gum popping, the apathetic young girl picked at her nails.

“Yes, just the beer.” My lozenge got caught in my throat, making my voice squeak.

Still without looking up, bored, she asked, “Can I see some ID, please?”

You’ve got to be kidding me. Wallet in hand, I pulled my license out. An old, laminated Blockbuster card fell out of the worn brown leather, finally getting her attention.

“Uh, never mind, sir.” Amused eyes met mine. Her mouth twitched with a repressed smile.

