Turbulent landscape of Russian collusion and corruption

heather s. michaels
2 min readSep 8, 2018

This turbulent landscape, known as the White House, unfolds fairly quickly in the news cycle pertaining to Russia, Collusion and Corruption. Our mission? To deliver the truth, the content, expose the corruption, all the while, ensuring that we are broadcasting a piece that sheds light on the full story of how we arrived here. If the Nation was blown away by Watergate, this will no doubt be far more impactful, far reaching, and explosive.

The deeper story of corruption and collusion is the scandal looming around this Administration however our job as storytellers, demands that we shed further light on the narrative. Unraveling the convoluted money trail and road-map to the most mind boggling and complex story-line of our time, the woven web known as the Trump Empire with Cohen as the facilitator, and Russia setting the stage, is just one of the many layers beginning to reveal itself.

It’s just a matter of time until this ticking time bomb fully implodes, as the underlying, embedded part of the story and road map, exhibit how these dealings developed, leading to the people and events that are actually now beginning to be exposed in the Russia — Collusion — Corruption scandal.

Following the money trail, has lead up to unmasking a multitude of cover-ups and ‘fraud’ between the President and Michael Cohen; with Russia laying the foundation by setting up their key networks of individuals to be prepared to be activated at the correct time to position Russia to become a predominate leader. How did Russia know that Trump should be their target and that they could count on him?

This is the more expansive story, the back story we can tell; Trump’s desperate need for money to support his failing business ventures, his need for fame and power, exposing many questionable business dealings, ties to various individuals, including Russian Oligarchs, organized crime families and the trail of corruption.

Exposing the infrastructure of fraud, showing a direct channel to Russia, with the players ‘selling access’ the the White House in exchange for leverage, among other things. The ultimate winner, being Russia, empowering the Kremlin to elevate their game after interfering with our Democracy by manipulating our elections.

“Cohen was the necessary conduit to set the stage for the biggest con, the biggest farce in American history, with Russia testing the waters as early as the 1980’s. Cohen’s past relationships groomed him, molding him to be the person President Trump would trust, and make his ultimate confidant. He became the perfect mole. His loyalty appeared beyond reproach.”

