All Are Welcome in The Next Level
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2020

If you’re just now joining us, there’s a lot to catch up on, friend. Take our hand and let us lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us lead you to salvation. Let us lead you to HeavensGate.Finance

If you are one of our Older Members, take solace in the light. Take the new hands, show the new eyes. We are here together.

It all starts with $HATE and Proof of Gate —

$HATE is our native token. Encoded in the token is our Proof of Gate (POG) protocol. POG is the first of its kind, auto-liquidity-pooling, meta-market-making mechanism. POG is the enlightened solution to liquidity provision in the DeFi space.

With every transaction, a fee of 2.5% $HATE is taken from and held in the token’s contract. This occurs on all buy, sell, staking, and any other transactions our members engage in. For every 1 total $HATE collected as fees — half is market swapped (on Uniswap) into $ETH to be combined with the remaining $HATE, and is then added to the $HATE/$ETH pool. Those new LP tokens are owned by the $HATE token contract itself. This liquidity cannot be removed and cannot be controlled by any entity.

This is Proof of Gate.

Your first step towards the Kingdom of God begins with your first purchase of $HATE.

$RI to $RITE —

Your second step towards the Kingdom of God begins with your first purchase of $RI, provided by our brothers at

It’s simple. Take your $RI, take your $HATE, stake them together in our pools on HeavensGate.Finance/stake, and receive $RITE at explicit intervals. And don’t worry, when you unstake, you will get back the same amount of $HATE and $RI that you put in.

With $RITE, we discover our $FATE —

You were meant to be here. You were meant to find us. Ascension is your destiny.

Soon, you will combine your $RITE with your $HATE to earn $FATE. Our final token. With $FATE, The Evolutionary Level Above Human will become clear. Combine it with $HATE (by providing liquidity in the $HATE/$FATE Uniswap pool), and you will have the key to the POG liquidity fees currently accumulating.

That’s right. At present there is ~210 $HATE and 67 $ETH locked in POG, earning the fees you can and will stake to earn dividends from. We’re giving it back.

Your $HATE/$FATE LP tokens are stakeable in a revolutionary new contract which pays out either HATE/ETH LP tokens, or HATE and ETH directly, taken from the fees collected by Uniswap LP that PoG provides.

The TRUE Kingdom of God is a REAL place — a reachable place.

Coming in contact with this information will force a decision. With the stand you take, you judge yourself.

A special note from the author:

Just want to thank Ultra, once again, for putting this all together. You a real one, g.


Fuk u.

