Ascension Imminent Brethren
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2020

(but first)

Quick updates to the staking UI:

A new way to ping the on-chain price oracle —

We noticed that the displayed $RI/$HATE staking amounts wasn’t updating at a frequency we and the community preferred, so we added an “Update amounts” button allowing anyone to ping the on-chain price oracle and update the UI. It still updates anytime a new stake is made, but now you can update it this way if the $RI and/or $HATE stake amounts look wrong.

We’ve also added a tooltip you can hover your mouse over, just below the new button, in case you need a reminder, and for our newer hands.

Added user stake display (if applicable) -

If you’ve staked in any one of our pools, we’ve added a display to show you how much you have in each individual pool. It’s a simple addition, but one we know even the least of our devout will appreciate.

General bug fixes

All around bug fixes to the UI you may or may not notice, though most notably the “GET MORE RI/HATE” links weren’t showing up when they should have.

Ascension — Get Your Applesauce Ready

$RITE/$HATE staking for our third and FINAL coin, $FATE, is coming.

You made it this far. Maybe you thought this was a rug. I mean, Ultra begged you. Pleaded. Said the liquidity would be sold. And yet, here you are.

Combine $FATE with $HATE. Get your LP. Stake for POG dividends. Stay tuned.

