Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

Our hallowed developers have returned from the grave with a new metaphysics for cryptocurrency. In order to spread the Light and convert all non-believers, the spectacular minds behind heavensgate.finance will be presenting our latest roadmap.

Heavensgate.finance will also implement HEAVEN’S GATE PROTOCOL: an auto-liquidity-pooling meta-market-making mechanism. This mechanism guarantees perpetual baseline token liquidity by locking 2.5% of $HATE from ETH/HATE trades (buy orders) and pooling it with 2.5% of $ETH yielded from HATE/ETH executions (sell orders).

HEAVEN’S GATE PROTOCOL utilizes a new concept called Proof of Gate (POG). POG will collect a 2.5% fee from each transaction, denominated in $HATE. These transaction fees will accumulate in an oracle contract until 5 HATE is collected and then will be permanently locked into the liquidity pool for HATE/ETH. Using random number generation, an algorithm will determine when to execute the swap after the threshold is met. This is to prevent front-running. After the liquidity is swapped and provided, a new cycle begins. This liquidity cannot be removed and is not controlled by any person or entity.

Perpetual baseline token ascension will begin at 7:00 AM UTC on Monday, October 5 2020. Be ready for the light: it is blinding in it’s brilliance and only a select few are ready for HEAVEN’s GATE PROTOCOL.

Together we will transcend. Believe in the light or forever live in Section 8 housing with stolen EBT credits.

