Truth does not exist?

Heavy Emotions
Harsh Bite
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2023


Is it really so difficult to know the truth? First, let’s forget what you already know for a moment. Does the truth even exist? Do we remain true or false at different times?

When I first joined the office, people were very nice to me, as if no one could be better than them. They seemed like good people, helping when needed, but a time came when they vented their anger on me as if I had done something wrong. I asked them why they did this and they just told me with smile face, that there was nothing wrong and that they were just talking to me and I am overthinking.

Who is the real one here? The one who thinks they talk to me condescendingly, or those who don’t want to accept this fact? It might be my imagination, or maybe I am the real one. Both could be lying, but one thing is true: the truth is not as straightforward as it seems.

“The world is as good as we think it is and as bad as we think it is.”

I always feel that the world is either truthful or false, or people are either villains or heroes, but it’s not like that. Every person has a bit of both, a selfish side like Ravana and a kind side like Rama.

I wonder why no one understands these things.

“People just want to know the easy things, and when faced with difficulty, they either consider it a lie or get angry and bury these matters”

Is it really difficult to know the truth?

The truth is what benefits someone, and lies are what lead to someone’s downfall”

In reality, even the truth leads to destruction. So, is there anything like the truth? the world wars, or any war fought for the truth, were they right for their soldiers? How many people died for one individual?

There is nothing like the truth; the truth merely fulfills one’s desires.”

The truth has many faces, and lies are just another form of the truth. What do you think?



Heavy Emotions
Harsh Bite

I like to explore and write about how humans connect emotionally to the natural world.