Fat People Do Not “Glorify Obesity”

Here’s what really happens when you make that kind of complaint.

Shannon Ashley
Heavy by Shannon Ashley


Image via Pixabay

Why the hell do I do this to myself?”

My internal muttering operates in overdrive every time I read the comments on a Facebook post related to obesity or body positivity. I keep reading the damn comments — I must do it at least 25 times a week and every single time it leaves me so… angry.

I’m not just pissed at the people typing out hateful things about fat people. I’m pissed at Facebook for telling me their hatred is A-okay. I’m pissed at the whole world for spreading misinformation about fatness. And I’m pissed at myself because I don’t even know why I do this.

No, wait — that one’s a lie. I know damn well why I do this to myself. I read the fucking comments because I am looking for a win. For a clear sign that people really aren’t as evil and heartless as they all too often appear.

Because, seriously. Living in a fat body clues you into an unsavory side of people that most “normal” bodies will never have to see. It’s a sad truth that far too many people in this world have hearts that are at least two sizes too small.

I mean, here we are approaching Thanksgiving and Christmastime, yet social media is still an endless…



Shannon Ashley
Heavy by Shannon Ashley

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com