The Best Information Security Newsletters to Stay Updated

Heck the Packet
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2022

Are you constantly struggling to keep up with the information security cyber security, bug bounties…the list goes on 🙄

So much info but such little time ⏱️

Check out the newsletters I use the most to keep up with the industry below 📬

1. Hive Five

Bee shares a widely curated section of security, community news, updates, write-ups and more.

This is my go-to newsletter.

2. Tl;dr Sec

Clint shares information about AppSec, cloud security, conferences, and more! This is usually next on my list of newsletter reading.

3. Risky Biz News

APTs, big tech, policy, industry alignment — they cover it all! It’s like the news on TV but a newsletter.

4. Unsupervised Learning

Dan puts it best: “20 hours of reading and analysis condensed into a 10-minute summary every Monday morning.”

5. Bug Bytes

  • Newsletter: Bug Bytes
  • Focus: Curated lists of notes, podcasts, tutorials, write-ups etc.
  • Curated By: InsiderPhD Twitter|Mastodon
  • Frequency: Weekly

Concluding Remarks

I hope you found this helpful!

Originally published at

