HederaStarter: September Update

Conor Devlin
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2022

Howdy folks, today’s article is a recap of the various things HStarter has been working on/thinking about for the month of September 2022, lets dive in!

Technical Updates

I, unfortunately, don’t have anything groundbreaking to report on this front, in a word, we need- patience. Our developers that have been allocated to the Hedera-tech side of the house haven’t seen meaningful improvements in the Hedera Github changelong that would permit the functioning of our launchpad dApp.

Hedera’s capability to support decentralized applications is entirely contingent upon the EVM they’ve imported. Our devs believe that the dApp capability is on track for full parity (with where an EVM should be), as is evident by Saucer’s functioning. But the Hedera EVM is not where HStarter needs it to be, yet.

HStarter’s main technical issue concerns our mechanisms of block-syncing, which has been something that has affected our technical deployment abilities from the beginning. We could try and rework the way we perform our chain-sync but that would entail a drastic modification to the entire architecture of the pad, which is out of the question and would generate a whole new workload. All of this means that the progress towards actually launching the dApp on the EVM has moved forward but is still not where it should be and since our work is reliant upon the EVM’s progress I can’t provide any meaningful ETA.

Community Questions

From a friend of the project Nube on discord:

  1. “I think HStarter’s jumped the gun and started their NFT sale too early tbh”

I’d concur with this sentiment, it basically came down to a timeline and over optimistic-ness (if that’s a word) of the ability to deploy the dApp in a reasonable timeline following the I-NFT-O. Based on the above technical progress I still have no hard and fast time for when the dApp will actually be capable of going live.

  1. “MetaStable planning to launch on another blockchain, but didn’t notify HStarter. Were they ever planning on launching on Hedera?”

In every single conversation that I had with their founders/leaders they had the intention to but they encountered similar limiting technical factors that we had (albeit separate ones) and from what I could tell ran into some behind-the-scenes obstacles that ultimately made them re-evaluate their efforts to launch on Hedera, this wasn’t something I knew until the decision had been made as they started to drop off in their communications to HStarter.

  1. “Tangent are falling behind on their roadmap, haven’t tweeted since August 1st and haven’t said anything in discord since August 15.”

Not sure what’s been going on from their end, they communication also dropped off with us and I wasn’t sure what the issue(s?) could be and I don’t feel comfortable speculating about what it could be finances/technical/personnel etc.

  1. “HStarter is delayed indefinitely, has been warned by the Head of marketing for Hedera to change their name as it infringes on Hedera’s trademark, and are planning on launching on Binance, which was their original plan until community backlash ”

Delayed indefinitely is a relatively accurate term as we can’t really fulfill our function in a technical capacity as outlined above. The name change should be occurring alongside the publication of this post. Correct on the Binance portion as well, the original plan was to launch on Binance and then migrate to Hedera whenever they got their house in order but we received hefty backlash from the community and decided against it. Now we’ve got no ‘working’ dApp on either chain and beginning to seriously reconsider based on internal projections and timelines. (The name change is HederaStarter to HStarter to at least keep consistency with our token $HSTART).


Technical progress is being made very slowly but still in a forward direction so there is something nice to see. The name change should be taking effect immediately with HederaStarter to HStarter. We’ll continue working through this bear eagerly waiting for the coming bull people starter pouring back into Crypto and more importantly Hedera.

Follow HStarter’s social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news:
Website: https://hstarter.com/
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/HStarterAnnouncements
Telegram Community: https://t.me/HStarterCommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HStarterio
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hstarter
Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/HederaYT
Medium: https://medium.com/hedera-blog

