Incubation & Launch Union Co. NFTs are an Evolution in NFT Utility on Hedera

Conor Devlin
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2022

NFTs have come to define the Hedera network and its community in its current evolution. The creation, sharing and trading of NFTs form the fundamental backbone of the community and it is what is acting as the chief drawing factor for retail users to be onboarded to the Hedera network.

As we’ve developed as a team here at HederaStarter, we’ve worked intimately with many different NFT creators and are understand the important role they have in offering people that aren’t native to the Hedera ecosystem a reason to join and begin exploring all of the major qualities of the Hedera network. With that in mind, HederaStarter seeks to leverage the many amazing developments of the Hedera NFT community with our own batch of unique NFTs by embuing them with funding mechanisms and rewards for core community contributors within the HederaStarter and Hedera community for the projects we incubate and launch.

Introducing a new fundamental utility for NFTs on HederaStarter

As we prepare for our IDO here in May, we will be teasing out our innovative use case for NFTs by integrating HederaStarter’s IDO allocation inside some newly minted NFTs. In essence, people interested in participating in HederaStarter based IDOs have an alternative path via participation through NFTs rather than a traditional token staking (which we are also offering).

Here is how NFT utility works on HederaStarter

HederaStarter is issuing three (3) new classes of NFTs — called Incubate & Launch Union Co. NFTs — and we are integrating actual HederaStarter IDO allocations into these NFTs. Purchasing any of the Incubate & Launch Union Co. NFTs, gives you a predefined IDO allocation. The cost of the NFT reflects the allocation. In other words, if you buy, say, an NFT worth 1000 $HBAR, on the day of TGE you will receive an airdrop of 1000 $HBAR worth of $HSTART tokens at IDO price.

This means that you can participate in HederaStarter’s IDO by virtue of buying the NFT. But there is much more to it. Read on!

Now to the specifics of the HederaStarter Incubate & Launch Union Co. NFTs

We have three classes of I&L Union Co. NFTs — exclusive to HederaStarter; namely, Union Boss, Member-Tier, and Activist-Tier NFTs. Each NFT class has different IDO allocations integrated into it. Below are the specific features of each of the I&L Union Co. NFTs.

Now, let’s get to the numbers: there will be a total of US$50,000 worth of IDO allocations integrated into the I&L Union Co. NFTs: US$16,667 for each type of the NFT.

There will be 15 Union Boss NFTs, 28 Union Member ones, and 57 Union Activist NFTs:

  • The Union Boss NFT will have an allocation weight of four (4) amounting to US$1,111 worth of effective allocation.
  • The Union Member NFT will have a weight of two (2) worth US$596 of allocation.
  • The Union Activist NFT will have a weight of one (1) worth US$292 of allocation.

The Union Boss NFTs

The Union Boss NFTs provide you with access to the highest allocations with 4× more allocation than Union Member NFTs. So by purchasing them, you automatically receive an airdrop of $HSTART worth (at IDO price) as much as the listing price of the NFT.

The Union Boss NFTs also provide access to the ambassador status within HederaStarter. Only about five (5) Union Boss NFTs will be available for purchase. The bulk of Union Boss NFTs are to be EARNED. So, if you want to earn the Union Boss NFTs, you will need to deliver value to HederaStarter and Hedera via community building, engagement, and growth.

But there is much more utility to it. Check it out.

Owning a Union Boss NFT gives you early access to HederaStarter’s cigar-smoke filled Union HQ Room. And the best part, you can combine thirty (30) Union Boss NFTs to access the HDAO in HederaStarter’s hierarchy and ten (10) to access the Nakamoto tier in the HPAD. This means, there are potentially two top tier seats at stake. How can one collect 30 NFTs when there are only 15 of them in existence? Read on.

You can already get started on the path to earning a Union Boss HederaStarter NFT by participating in our ongoing Telegram Referral Campaign! Keep a close eye on our socials — we will be letting you know how you can earn it…

The Union Member NFTs

The Union Member NFTs provide you with access to 2× allocation than Union Activist NFTs. So by purchasing them, you automatically get an airdrop of $HSTART worth (at IDO price) as much as the listing price of the NFT.

The Union Member NFTs also enroll you in HederaStarter’s ambassador program. Unlike the Union Boss NFTs that are mostly earned, you can acquire most of the Union Member NFTs by simply buying them. All holders of Union Member NFTs will participate in the whitelist lottery to get a guaranteed large allocation in our IDOs.

However, if you would like to access the unique benefits of Union Boss NFTs, you can burn three (3) Union Member NFTs to acquire one (1) Union Boss NFT.

The Union Activist NFTs

The Union Activist NFTs have a small IDO allocation integrated into them. Holding Union Activist NFTs still guarantees your allocation at $HSTART IDO but it will not enroll you in HederaStarter’s ambassador program. Similarly, by purchasing them, you automatically get an airdrop of $HSTART worth (at IDO price) as much as the listing price of the NFT.

However, if you would like to access the benefits attached to Union Member NFTs, you can burn five (5) Union Activist NFTs to acquire one (1) Union Member NFT.

Exciting things are coming your way

The utility of the first foundational Incubate & Launch Union Co. NFTs is everlasting. There will be progressively more features and utilities accruing to those lucky ones holding these exclusive NFTs. We will also be expanding the I&L Union Co. NFT collection with time. So there will be more opportunities for most active community members to earn their spot on the HDAO. Build unions, build DAOs and contribute to the ecosystem — the ecosystem will pay back in full and above.

For HederaStarter’s IDO and other upcoming IDOs on our pad, we will host a collaboration with a well-known NFT artist. And we will also run some campaign-specific surprise campaigns to distribute some special rewards to NFT holders.

Similarly, once HederaStarter starts incubating other projects, users will be able to mint any of the NFTs to secure their allocation in the IDOs of those projects launching on HederaStarter

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