Post IDO Updates

Conor Devlin
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2022

This article is intended to cover HederaStarter’s post IDO updates for the community, upcoming product launches and clarifications on technical issues on Tangent’s DEX.

Upcoming Launches

Up until only very recently Metastable and Tangent were both intended to eventually launch on HederaStarter as IDOs. For that requirement to be fulfilled HederaStarter’s dApp needed to be in place to facilitate the launch of both of those projects’ tokens. As of right now the dApp has been hitting a significant number of roadblocks that normally aren’t present in any chain that is copy and pasting the EVM. Until these technical challenges are resolved our dApp cannot, in a safe and secure manner, reliably be deployed onto Hedera’s EVM.

Both Tangent and Metastable share similar requirements (Tangent for their eventual conversion to full smart contracts) and the developers of HederaStarter don’t believe a deployment with Hedera’s present configuration could be considered safe and secure (this issue becoming extremely relevant over that past few days).

Tangent and Metastable, at the time and conclusion of the IDO were for all intents and purposes going to launch on Hedera and HederaStarter. It has been brought to the HederaStarter team’s attention during the week of 1 August, that Metastable was looking to launch on networks other than Hedera, this we were completely unaware of. Our team is unsure of Metastable’s plans going forward, whether they intend to even launch on Hedera at all, they are completely independent of HederaStarter and the decisions they are making at completely out of our team’s control.

Concerning Tangent, they are still planning to launch on HederaStarter once our dApp has been completed and we can hold secure token sales. Both our teams have spoke recently, this week, about the token sale and technical limitations notwithstanding the intention is to launch the Tangent’s token once Hedera development hurdles are surmounted.

Tangent’s DEX Issues

HederaStarter and Tangent have both been receiving a collection of questions concerning issues affecting Tangent’s DEX, we’ve sought clarification from their team, and this is what we received from them:

Issue #1 Reward Harvesting Problems: There was a problem with the withdrawal of rewards on this front, it allowed several users to withdraw rewards before the reward campaign was completed. These users received their rewards with a slight delay and their wallet balances should reflect the rewards now.

Issue #2 Unable to Withdraw Liquidity: This problem was due to the limitation in the number of tokens permitted in one tx. Users who had more than 6 LP tokens from the pool received an error from the wallet when trying to withdraw all of their liquidity. This issue has been resolved on Tangent’s interface and it now warns the user of the need to split the withdrawal into several tx’s.

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