HEDGE tokens + MyEtherWallet

HEDGE Decentralized
1 min readNov 1, 2017

Hello everyone! This is step by step guide to be able to recognize and transact our tokens on Ethereum network with MyEtherWallet.

In short there is only some very easy steps: 1) Create Ethereum wallet which supports ERC-20 tokens (we recommend MyEtherWallet). 2) Transfer some Ethers for purchase. 3) Transfer Ethers to our purchases and holdings address. 4) To be able to interact with HEDGE tokens, you must Add Custom Token on MyEtherWallet first. 5) Fill the details, symbol HEDGE, decimals 18 and put our current smart contract address in Token Contract Address field. 6) That’s all, now you should be able to see and interact with your HEDGE tokens. If short guide not helps you, please read our detailed guide below and/or wait for video tutorial which will be posted soon as well. Good luck!

Our new and current smart contract address (ERC-20): 0xa1b1543195bb5089febf4068b3d3d4f35c06c260

Our old smart contract address (ERC-23): 0xbed7c4ff695b740Cbc0EA26E61C7095BB6FC926f

Decimals: 18
Symbol: HEDGE

PLEASE NOTE, that our smart contract and holding addresses is different. Do not send any Ether to our smart contract address, because it will be lost!

Best regards,



HEDGE Decentralized

Entrepreneur. Founder of HEDGE Decentralized. I am building my own economy. Join us!