[Vulnerable Communities on The GlobešŸŒ] #29 Bwaise II Community, Kampala Capital City, Kampala District, Uganda

mayuko kondo
Hedgefy Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2022

Bwaise II community in Kampala capital city in Kampala district is a vulnerable community in Uganda.

Bwaise Community, Kampala Capital City, Kampala District, Uganda

The community faces the high risk of flood. Bwaise has experienced all-sort of problems, from poor drainage systems, over littering of much garbage in the channels, over flooding, lack or even no sanitation facilities in the surrounding areas. There were literally heavy floods after a heavy down pour and many fall sick after floods. Malaria was at its peak, and other comical diseases such as Dysentery, Cholera and many others. Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) and Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) work with other implementing partners to roll out programs to improve community environment.

A family in the community

Mr. John Manya is a 32 years old carpenter living in Bwaise II community with his family. Amidst the many challenges besides living in the slum of Bwaise, the poor drainage systems was in such a terrible situation that people had to jump as they return to their homes, and children often failed to go to school as they could not jump over the flooded channels. ā€œMy house became the swimming condo,ā€ John jokes. His family literally needed a small boot to cross to the nearby market center to buy food items. Such situation was escalated after a heavy down pour, the volumes of water came with piles of sorts of littering, bottles, silt and even dead animals.

The community got relieved from this agony of over flooding, poor sanitation facilities, no safe drinking water and many others after the programs. Although the community still experiences flooding, itā€™s not as bad as it used to be before the project. The continued community sensitizations on channel maintenances, construction of community latrine and provision of safe drinking waters greatly changed the livelihood of Bwaise II community. The project benefited not only the community, it helped all the high way road users and the surrounding industries that could pollute the surrounding. Children are now going to school freely as a result of keeping a clean drainage channels free of litters thus reduced flooding. The improved hygiene coupled with improved drainage channel systems, also improved the local community health as well as mitigated the long overdue cases of over flooding in and the surrounding of Bwaise.

The communities now pride of their well being in the areas. Mr. Manya hopes that the local area council and the community members themselves for being the watchdogs of the systems put in place by the project to keep improving the community environment.

Basic Information about Community


about 40000 people, 10000 households

Common Income Source

subsistence street vending

Common Expenditure

house rent, basic essentials

Money Needed in Case of Natural Disaster

Money to recover from the damage and to prevent the next damage from the disaster is in total around 50,000 USD. The money will be used for prevention and interventions projects, recovery projects, sensitization programs, boosting income generating activities and other related programs.

NGOs working in this community

To know more about DENIVA, check this article in Hedgefy Blog.

