Can Gas Markets Evolve Overnight?

Hedgehog Protocol
Hedgehog Protocol
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2023

Short answer: Yes.

It’s hard to imagine blockchain without one key thing, and this essential part is gas. The gas market serves as the fundamental base of all underlying operations. But can this underlying market shift or evolve overnight? The emergence of Ordinal Inscriptions and BRC-20 tokens on the Bitcoin network offers an example of how rapid changes can occur, impacting network congestion and transaction fees in unforeseen ways and places.

Introduction to Ordinal Inscriptions and BRC-20

Ordinal Inscriptions, a concept introduced by Casey Rodarmor, revolutionized the Bitcoin blockchain by allowing users to inscribe data directly onto individual satoshis. While enhancing Bitcoin’s utility beyond a mere transactional currency, this innovation also brought dubious results, leading to skyrocketing transaction fees.

Similarly, introducing BRC-20 tokens added new functionalities to the Bitcoin network. It mirrored Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens but operated without the need for smart contracts. This innovative development further strained the network, escalating congestion and increasing transaction fees.

The impact of these innovations doesn’t stop there. As of the time of writing this article, inscriptions have made their debut on several EVM chains, LTC-20 on Litecoin, DRC-20 on Dogecoin, and the introduction of a new token standard, CBRC-20 (Chad BRC-20 tokens), which allows for the inscription of “dead” BRC-20 tokens within the same inscription, enabling their listing on marketplaces that do not support the CBRC-20 standard. These actions underscore the fluid nature of the gas market, where new technologies can emerge and alter the dynamics almost instantaneously.

The need for robust hedging strategies becomes apparent in such a landscape, where a ‘degen’ developer’s new creation can set off market changes and set the mempool on fire. This unpredictability isn’t a mere inconvenience; it’s a significant risk factor for anyone engaged in blockchain transactions, especially those involving large sums or critical operations.

The market dictates the terms, and we see the need for hedging solutions in this realm, where a one-night event could lead to changes in the whole picture. Several attempts were made by this day, but agility is sometimes the key factor to protect yourself from a sudden fluctuation.

“Where there’s volatility, Hedgehog sees possibility”

The Hedgehog Protocol’s strength lies in its adaptability. As new markets emerge or existing ones experience drastic changes, the protocol’s flexible CDP model allows for the quick introduction of new derivatives. This flexibility is vital in a landscape where the one certainty is continual transformation.

Users of the Hedgehog Protocol can hedge against sudden gas price spikes, transforming a potential financial threat into an opportunity for strategic advantage.


The inception of technologies like Ordinal Inscriptions and BRC-20 tokens has vividly demonstrated that gas markets can evolve instantaneously. This evolution underscores the critical role of adaptable solutions such as hedging. They offer not just a shield against volatility but a means to turn the unpredictable nature of the gas market into a strategic asset.

Ultimately, the question isn’t if the gas market will evolve overnight — it’s when. And when it does, being prepared with the right tools and strategies will make all the difference.



Hedgehog Protocol
Hedgehog Protocol

Synthetic Blockspace. Trade BaseFee and hedge your gas costs ⛽️ Derivatives markets for degens, rollups and account abstraction 🦔