11062020 :: Friday finance

Week in review

Philip Valenta, MSF


A partial digest of what we learned:

Per the Associated Press, Pennsylvania has been called for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and their ticket is slated to receive in excess of the 270 electoral college votes required to become the next President and Vice President of the United States. Immediately following, Nevada was called for the Democrats, as well. Georgia is showing blue but uncalled, and North Carolina is showing red but uncalled.

Thus far, while many have taken to protesting and marching around the vote throughout the country — and self-identifying members of the right are doing their best to mount a disinformation and obstruction campaign they’ve been tagging #StopTheSteal, fueled by repeated allegations of fraud leveled by Trump and GOP leadership — there has yet to be significant unrest derailing the electoral process or anything else, for that matter. We will see if that holds.

As anticipated, lawsuits were still being filed by Trump’s legal team in multiple states, with judges quickly tossing some of them.

The Supreme Court, however, took its first real action Friday evening. Justice Alito issued an order enforcing guidance already given by Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State: That ballots arriving during a receipt extension period granted by the state’s own supreme court, which SCOTUS originally allowed to stand in spite of a Republican challenge, be set apart from other ballots and counted separately.

