Hedget Teams Up With APYSwap to Protect Vault Assets From Impermanent Loss

Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2021

Every crypto farmer worth their salt knows that they need to watch out for impermanent loss. It can turn even the juiciest farming opportunities into a losing proposition if asset volatility eats into your bottom line. It is with this challenge in mind that Hedget announces its newest partner: APYSwap.

APYSwap is a protocol for the decentralized exchange of Token Vault shares. Vaults are managed indexes of LP, YF and other tokens that are then tokenized and can be traded without disturbing the underlying assets. In this fashion, APYSwap enables trading of assets that remain locked by staking, lending, and pooling.

By integrating Hedget into their interface, APYSwap will allow holders of Vault Tokens to mitigate against impermanent loss through the use of options. By paying a premium, these users will be able to lock in buy and sell prices for underlying assets being used in liquidity farming and ensure that their farming positions remain profitable regardless of volatility.

One of Hedget’s main goals is to integrate into as many Defi products as possible where guarding against volatility has value. With APYSwap, we have added a strong partner that will extend our market reach while providing a valuable service to its vault managers and users.

