Introducing the Hedget “Risk-free lottery” Staking Event

Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2021

Stake HGET tokens and get paid 100% APY in zero-risk, “In the money” BNB options!

The simplest way to explain it is: stake HGET tokens for one week, and get paid in options that have no downside risk and (theoretically) unlimited upside. Profit on your options are paid out in BUSD each Friday!

I’m interested. Can you tell me more about how it works?
Let’s use an example. Steve has 2000 HGET tokens, with a current value of $5 per HGET ($10.000 total). He deposits his tokens, and receives $191 worth of “in the money” BNB call and put options for free (100% equals 1.91% per week, and %1.91 of 10.000 = 191).

At the end of the 7 days, some or all of Steve’s options will be in the money and pay him out BUSD automatically. Any options that are not in the money will be left unexercised and simply ‘go away’. Because Steve didn’t have to pay anything for his options, he can only make money and can’t lose money!

What’s even more exciting is that Steve has the potential to make a significant return on his options if the price of BNB goes up or down by a significant amount. In either case, some of his options will be highly profitable while the other ones will be left unexercised.

It sounds a little complicated!
If you don’t know much about options, don’t worry — all you need to do is deposit your HGET for 7 days. At the end of the staking period, you will need to click “withdraw” button and get all of your HGET back plus some amount of BUSD directly to the wallet you staked from

How much can I gain by staking?
The most likely scenario is that stakers will make close to the advertised 100% APY (1.91% in a week). However, there are other scenarios whereby the payout will be smaller, or significantly larger. It is called the ‘Risk-free lottery” for a reason!

Can I lose anything by staking?
No. While the value of your HGET tokens can go down in dollar value while you are staking them, there is no way to lose assets by participating.

Are there any other restrictions?
Users must deposit a minimum of 100 HGET tokens and can only deposit a maximum of 5000 HGET tokens. Also, the staking pool will accept a maximum of 50,000 HGET before being closed to new deposits.

“At a glance” summary:

Event Title: Hedget “Risk-free lottery” Staking Event

Risk-free lottery link:

APY: 100% per year (1.91% per week) paid as options at the time of staking

Starts at: Friday, November 19th, with a duration of 7 days

Option returns paid out in: BUSD

Individual staking minimum: 100 HGET

Individual staking maximum: 5,000 HGET

Event maximum: 50,000 HGET

*Hedget USD value determined by oracle, visible on the staking dashboard

