Introduction to Hedge Trading

Official Hedge Trading Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

Hedge Trading - Bridging the Gap

It’s clear that the biggest factors that divide successful cryptocurrency traders from the unsuccessful are knowledge and experience. If you lack these things you are more than likely to fail in your attempts to generate profit in the cryptocurrency space. If you possess them however, chances are your profits will grow exponentially over time as you sharpen your skills and learn how to spot advantageous trading opportunities.

There exists the problem, a gap in knowledge and understanding between two groups of people working towards the same goal with no direct means of helping each other out.

With traditional copy trading there is no exit strategy for those looking to learn the ropes of trading. This corners users in for they never know when is the best time to exit a trade. Knowing the right time to get out of a trade is almost as crucial as knowing when to get into one.

What is Hedge Trading and How Does It Work?

Our Hedge DApp provides a solution to this problem by uniting novice and experienced traders through a verified and ranked system that allows novice traders an inside look into how experienced traders work their magic.

These experienced traders are ranked publicly based on quality of information, trading predictions and successful trading history. These traders who possess the skills to trade successfully share that knowledge and experience with novice traders through what we call a Blueprint.


A Blueprint is a smart contract hosted on the blockchain that is created by an experienced trader which houses all the valuable information for their trade. Everything from their stake to their technical analysis exists within the Blueprint.

The Blueprint is then offered to users within the Hedge community for purchase via our HEDG token. Users can then choose to replicate the trade within their own budget or alternatively follow the trade in real time learning and gaining experience along the way.

User Incentive

If the trade prediction within the Blueprint is correct, the trader who created it receives all the HEDG tokens that were used to purchase by the users.

However, if the trade prediction within the Blueprint is incorrect all of the HEDG tokens used to buy that Blueprint return back to the user.

Novice and Experienced Traders Working Together

When both novice and experienced traders both have skin in the game they work together to be successful. Hedge was built on this concept, one that we believe is going to change the landscape of cryptocurrency trading as we know it.

This system of exchanged trading predictions allows experienced traders to sell off their valuable information through Blueprints while at the same time gaining profit from those successful trades. In addition the experienced traders rank also climbs making them and their expertise more attractive to new users.

New users benefit in the form of being able to learn first hand from experienced traders with little to no risk of losing everything on bad trading information.

For more information on the Hedge platform please visit

