Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Mehmet kanus
Published in
8 min readMar 26, 2024

Azure Key Vault, a service offered by Azure for securely storing and managing sensitive data, is pivotal in cloud environments like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) where applications require secure access to sensitive information. To address this need, an tool named Secrets Store CSI Driver facilitates access to sensitive data stored in Azure Key Vault for containerized applications running on AKS clusters. This article will delve into how Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver is utilized in AKS clusters, the security measures it provides, and the advantages it offers for applications.

Security measures provided:

Centralized management of sensitive data: Azure Key Vault enables centralized management of sensitive data, ensuring that data is accessed and managed from a single trusted source, thus meeting security and compliance requirements.

Data encryption: Azure Key Vault encrypts data at rest, ensuring access control and protection against unauthorized access.

Access controls and monitoring: Azure Key Vault provides access controls and monitoring capabilities, allowing tracking and auditing of which users or applications can access which data.

Advantages for applications:

Secure data storage and access: Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver facilitates secure access to sensitive data for applications, thereby enhancing data security.

Easy integration: This solution enables seamless integration of applications running on AKS clusters with Azure Key Vault, reducing concerns for application developers regarding data security.

Ensuring compliance: Azure Key Vault complies with numerous compliance standards and fulfills data security requirements, assisting applications in meeting compliance requirements.

Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver provides a robust tool for secure data management in AKS clusters, assisting applications in meeting their data security requirements. This allows both developers and business owners to focus on data security.

You can review the link for Azure Key Vault basic concepts at, and the link for Azure security baseline for Key Vault at

In this article, we’ll discuss how to securely use sensitive information stored in Azure Key Vault within your Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS). Specifically, we’ll explore how to store sensitive data like database usernames and passwords in Azure Key Vault and securely utilize them in the AKS environment. We’ll cover the best practices for accomplishing this task and address potential challenges that may arise during implementation. Additionally, we’ll delve into the Secret Store CSI Driver, a critical component in this process, enabling you to store your sensitive information securely and utilize it as environment variables in AKS.

By leveraging Azure Key Vault and the Secret Store CSI Driver, you can ensure the confidentiality and security of your application’s sensitive data while seamlessly integrating it into your AKS environment. This approach provides a robust solution for managing secrets, enhancing the overall security posture of your Kubernetes-based applications.

Let’s get started.

Step-1: Create an AKS cluster with Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver support.

Note: If you want to use Microsoft Entra Workload ID, you must also use the --enable-oidc-issuer and --enable-workload-identity parameters

az group create -n key-vault -l eastus
az aks create -n AKS-Cluster -g key-vault --enable-addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-workload-identity

Note: If you have previously created the cluster without the following addons and other parameters, the cluster and addons can still be updated using the commands below.

--addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider # for Secrets Store CSI Driver support

--enable-oidc-issuer # Used to enable OIDC (OpenID Connect) issuer in Azure AKS.
--enable-workload-identity # Used to enable workload identities in Azure AKS.
--enable-secret-rotation # Used to enable automatic secret rotation in Azure AKS.
  • The updating of the cluster and addons with the aforementioned parameters. Remember, if these were not present in your previous cluster, execute these commands.
az aks enable-addons --addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider --name AKS-Cluster --resource-group key-vault
az aks update --name AKS-Cluster --resource-group key-vault --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-workload-identity --enable-secret-rotation
  • Verify the Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver installation.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l 'app in (secrets-store-csi-driver,secrets-store-provider-azure)'

Step-2: Create or use an existing Azure Key Vault: Create a key vault with Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC). The name of the Key Vault you want to create must be unique.

az keyvault create -n mk-keyvault -g key-vault -l eastus --enable-rbac-authorization

Step-3: Connect your Azure identity provider to the Azure Key Vault Secrets Store CSI Driver in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Configure workload identity

1- Configure workload identity

export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=ddf05ef9-...................
export RESOURCE_GROUP=key-vault
export UAMI=azurekeyvaultsecretsprovider-aks-cluster
export KEYVAULT_NAME=mk-keyvault
export CLUSTER_NAME=AKS-Cluster

az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID

2- Create a managed identity using the az identity create command.

az identity create --name $UAMI --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

export USER_ASSIGNED_CLIENT_ID="$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $UAMI --query 'clientId' -o tsv)"
export IDENTITY_TENANT=$(az aks show --name $CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query identity.tenantId -o tsv)

3- Create a role assignment that grants the workload identity permission to access the key vault secrets, access keys, and certificates using the az role assignment create command.

export KEYVAULT_SCOPE=$(az keyvault show --name $KEYVAULT_NAME --query id -o tsv)

az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Administrator" --assignee $USER_ASSIGNED_CLIENT_ID --scope $KEYVAULT_SCOPE
  • Let’s check role assignment..

4- Get the AKS cluster OIDC Issuer URL using the az aks show command.

export AKS_OIDC_ISSUER="$(az aks show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTER_NAME --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -o tsv)"

5- Get the object ID of the Microsoft Entra application using the following commands. Make sure to update the values for serviceAccountName and serviceAccountNamespace with the Kubernetes service account name and its namespace.

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME="workload-identity-sa"  # sample name; can be changed
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMESPACE="default" # can be changed to namespace of your workload

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
azure.workload.identity/client-id: ${USER_ASSIGNED_CLIENT_ID}

6- Create the federated identity credential between the managed identity, service account issuer, and subject using the az identity federated-credential create command.

export FEDERATED_IDENTITY_NAME="aksfederatedidentity" # can be changed as needed

az identity federated-credential create --name $FEDERATED_IDENTITY_NAME --identity-name $UAMI --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --issuer ${AKS_OIDC_ISSUER} --subject system:serviceaccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMESPACE}:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

Important Note: You need to assign users the “Key Vault Administrator” role for the Key Vault you’ve created under the same subscription. Otherwise, you won’t have the permission to create “key”, “secret”, and “certificates” objects.

  • Before assigning the role to the user,
  • After the role has been assigned to the user,
  • Before creating SecretProviderClass and pods, let’s create secrets for a sample database from the portal.

Step-7: Deploy a SecretProviderClass using the kubectl apply command and the following YAML script.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
# This is a SecretProviderClass example using workload identity to access your key vault
kind: SecretProviderClass
name: azure-kvname-wi # needs to be unique per namespace
provider: azure
usePodIdentity: "false"
clientID: "${USER_ASSIGNED_CLIENT_ID}" # Setting this to use workload identity
keyvaultName: ${KEYVAULT_NAME} # Set to the name of your key vault
cloudName: "" # [OPTIONAL for Azure] if not provided, the Azure environment defaults to AzurePublicCloud
objects: |
- |
objectName: username # Set to the name of your secret
objectType: secret # object types: secret, key, or cert
objectVersion: "" # [OPTIONAL] object versions, default to latest if empty
- |
objectName: password # Set to the name of your key
objectType: secret
objectVersion: ""
tenantId: "${IDENTITY_TENANT}" # The tenant ID of the key vault

Step-8: Deploy a sample pod using the kubectl apply command and the following YAML script.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
# This is a sample pod definition for using SecretProviderClass and workload identity to access your key vault
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi
azure.workload.identity/use: "true"
serviceAccountName: "workload-identity-sa"
- name: busybox
- "/bin/sleep"
- "10000"
- name: secrets-store01-inline
mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store"
readOnly: true
- name: secrets-store01-inline
readOnly: true
secretProviderClass: "azure-kvname-wi"
  • Validate Key Vault secrets.
kubectl exec busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi -- ls /mnt/secrets-store/
kubectl exec busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi -- cat /mnt/secrets-store/username
kubectl exec busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi -- cat /mnt/secrets-store/password

How to load secrets in to environment variable on POD

To use these secrets as environment variables inside the pod, we will add the following blocks to the SecretProviderClass and pod YAML files. Then let’s deploy the yaml files.

# secretproviderclass.yaml (secretObjects block.)
provider: azure
- data:
- key: username
objectName: username
secretName: username
type: Opaque
- data:
- key: password
objectName: password
secretName: password
type: Opaque
pod.yaml (env block)
serviceAccountName: "workload-identity-sa"
- name: DB_USER_NAME
name: username
key: username
name: password
key: password
  • With the following commands, we can verify that the secrets are embedded as environmental variables within the pod.
k exec busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi -- env | grep DB_USER_NAME
k exec busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi -- env | grep DB_PASSWORD
k describe po busybox-secrets-store-inline-wi
  • Don’t forget to delete all resources.
az group delete -n key-vault
az group delete -n MC_key-vault_AKS-Cluster_eastus
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