Lead Scoring, through your Chatbot

Amine Ketz
Marketing on Acid
Published in
7 min readMar 19, 2018

Reduce churn with this simple activation trick

What is a chatbot ? Put simply, a set of automated responses based on multiple choice questions or data that’s been collected via marketing automation.

Great tool for handling specific and frequently asked questions.

But wait.

What if your question is unusual ? You end up front of a bot that don’t understand you. Chances are that you may just run away.

Lets put some technical perspective on the problem. Through Facebook Messenger, chatbots are placed on top of the sales funnel. As a first point of contact they may definitely help with volume, but they also create bounce.

Chatbots belong to mid-to-bottom-funnel levels. Service and Pricing pages, FAQs and Customer Support come to mind. These are places where visitors might very well be looking for answers to specific questions.

That’s where scoring enters the game !

This simple trick highlights important requests to make sure you’re not missing any opportunity. By collecting information, you can dramatically increase the odds of contacting a lead.

There’s a 10x decrease in making contact with a lead after the first 5 minutes. After 10 minutes, it goes down 400%.

Collecting data through the bot

We’ll use these 3 tools to create our lead generation machine:

Ready ? GO

1- First, craft all your questions.

What’s important to you?
Company size? Revenue? Timeline?

2- Save each quick reply as a custom field

Either use the response answer as the value, or change the custom field value to reflect the value of that answer in your lead scoring.

3- Connect ManyChat to Zapier

Now its time to connect your Google Sheets account to zapier.

4- Setting up Google Sheet

You’ll want to capture all the basic data like first name, last name, ManyChat User Id, etc.. Then make a column for each question in your lead scoring quiz.

Once you set up your columns do not change the order. It screws with the zapier integration and your scoring won’t work correctly until you go back and edit each affected zap.

5- Send leads from ManyChat to Google Sheet

We’ve setup a zap to capture every person that signs up for our client’s bot to be captured by the spreadsheet. Because, why not?

The only potential downside is you’ll be using more Zapier tasks.

6- Setup the zaps to capture the lead qualifying data

I’m going to show you how to do one. Then you’ll need to replicate for every question you ask.

So let’s create a new zap. Choose a ManyChat trigger for a new or updated custom field.

You can only choose one custom field as the trigger at a time. Which is why you’ve got to set up a zap for each of your lead qualifying questions. Got it?

Here our trigger is the Agency Size custom field

7- Then create a search for Google Sheets

Here’s where the ManyChat ID comes in. We want to base our search off of a unique identifier.

Because the ManyChat ID is based on the user’s facebook profile, it is more valuable than email.

Since we’ve already captured the person’s info, we do a search for the person in our sheet based on user ID.

Now we’re going to push the custom field value to our Google Sheet

We take the custom lookup from the last step so that Zapier knows which lead to update.

Then we’ll update the custom field associated with out trigger. Find the field on your spreadsheet and put in the custom field from ManyChat.

Now your google sheet will update automatically when a prospect answers your lead qualifying question. Follow the same steps for each qualifying question.

Now on to the google sheet where we’re going to do some nifty calculations that we’ll use to create zaps to notify our sales team of any hot leads and send out different types of content to each set of leads.

Simple Lead Scoring Calculation

Scoring your leads can be simple or incredibly complicated. We can use predictive algorithms. There are AI programs that can help. Zapier even has an automated lead scoring tool built in, a light version of Madkudu.

But most of us don’t need that. Even some basic lead scoring combined with automation is a huge leap forward for most companies.

‘Course keep in mind that even with the automation the end goal is to strike up a conversation. And do it as quickly, efficiently and effectively as possible.

And we can do that in Google Sheets by assigning a 0–10 value to every answer given by the prospect.

Here we’re saying if the answer in cell H2 is 1–5 then assign the value of 0. If not then keep evaluating. The formula works like this:

IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)

If the answer is true then the value is assigned, if it’s false (doesn’t match) then we use another if statement to check against the next potential answer.

Make sure to use if statements for all the potential answers.

PS: If you use a string (anything else but just a number) like 1–5. You’ve got to put it in quotes. Also be very careful with additional spaces. If your string does not match exactly what the user enters then your formula won’t work.

Do this for each question.

Determining the value of an answer

Let’s keep this thing simple. Sure you could weight answers, but if you’re going from no lead scoring at all (which most are) then just assign a single number. Easy Peasy.

Take your best guess.

Then evaluate the data as it comes in and update your scoring as needed.

Getting your final Lead qualification

Best way to do this is to generate a percentage.

Take the total points accrued by the prospect and divide by the total possible points

But clients and maybe even you don’t need to know the lead score.

Most just care if it’s a hot, medium or cold lead.

And what actions need to happen for each.

So let’s create another column and just put that in.

1- Time to take action based on the lead score

Now we’re going to set a zap for each level of lead. For a hot lead we’re going to alert the sales team. Probably shoot them an email and hell maybe even a text!

But we’re not going to stop there…

We’re going to send the hot prospect content customized for them.

2- Whip up a zap with Google Sheet as a trigger

Because we can only set the trigger based on a column we’ve got to use a filter to get the right cell and value. So we’re going to filter for hot leads.

3- Now let’s take some action based on leadscore

First we’re going to send specific content to the hot lead. We do this by using a custom value. Again use the ManyChat Id to subscribe your lead to your hot lead follow up sequence.

But the goal with our messenger interaction is to let real human interaction happen more easily. We can automate some of it and create a relationship. But for high end services the best way to close is to get the prospect on the phone.

And to do it quickly !

4- Alert the sales team to get in touch with the lead

We can send an email. Hell, even an SMS or Slack notification !

Make sure to include info about the prospect in the message. And the link to the live chat.

Anything that can help your team get in touch with the lead right away !

