HEGIC IBCO IS LIVE! A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Participate.

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4 min readSep 9, 2020

Step 1: Visit Hegic website: https://www.hegic.co/ (please double-check the website link) and connect your Ethereum address using MetaMask browser extension or WalletConnect (use Trust Wallet, Argent Wallet and other compatible wallets). After connecting your wallet click the Token Holders button and you will see the IBCO interface with real-time data.

Step 2: Choose the amount of Ether (ETH) that you would like to contribute. You will see an estimated amount of HEGIC tokens that you will be able to claim at settlement — in other words, after the end of IBCO. WARNING: IT IS *NOT* AN EXACT AMOUNT OF TOKENS THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CLAIM BUT THE SHARE AT THE MOMENT OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION. IF ANYONE WILL CONTRIBUTE ETH DURING IBCO AFTER YOU, SHE/HE WILL MAKE THE PRICE HIGHER → YOUR SHARE WILL BE LOWER.

After choosing the amount of ETH for contribution, click the BUY HEGIC button and confirm the transaction. Please wait for the transaction to be confirmed by miners. After that your share will increase on the interface.

Step 3: You will see your share in HEGIC tokens that you will be able to claim after the end of IBCO on Hegic interfaces. As it was mentioned above, you share in HEGIC tokens is not fixed and will be changing alongside with new contributions made by other IBCO participants. The exact amount of HEGIC tokens to be claimable will only be available at the end of IBCO. For example, if you have contributed 10 ETH and the total amount of ETH contributed during IBCO is 1,000 ETH then you will be able to claim 1% of HEGIC tokens allocated on the IBCO contract (90,360,300 HEGIC is 100% allocated on IBCO and 903,603 HEGIC is 1%).

Step 4: If you will not be the first IBCO participant, you will see the total amount contributed during IBCO. When you fill type in the amount of ETH you will see an estimated share of HEGIC tokens that you will be able to claim at settlement. Yes, it’s volatile and will likely change. After each following contribution the last (settlement) price of HEGIC during IBCO increases. If you have contributed ETH and a new contributor will also make her contribution, the price of HEGIC will be higher, but the amount of tokens that you receive will be lower.

Step 5: After making your contribution you will see your share size on interfaces. Because of your contribution previous contributors’ shares sizes will be decreased. Amount of tokens allocated for IBCO is fixed: 90,360,300 HEGIC. You can think of IBCO as of an open auction where 90,360,300 HEGIC tokens are allocated on the contract and during a 72 hours period IBCO participants are making their contributions to the point where they stop buying HEGIC. They will stop because the price of HEGIC will be already high and everyone who wanted will already participate in the IBCO.

Step 6: Monitor the total contributions size, IBCO contributors, HEGIC price during IBCO and HEGIC price change. This information is updated in real-time and represents real on-chain dynamics behind IBCO.

Step 7: If you wish, you can make more than one contribution during the 72 hours period of IBCO. Your share will increase after your contribution. You can make one, two, three, ten contributions or even more.

Step 8: After the end of IBCO on 12/09/2020 you will be able to claim your HEGIC tokens that you will receive to your Ethereum address — the same address you have been using to make your contribution.

If you need any help with HEGIC IBCO participation or want to ask a question feel free to drop an email with your question at help@hegic.co

You can also send ETH directly to this contract address from your personal Ethereum address 0x1B8782d4A7Da5b63A934E78a6563fdd122E9915d if you want to participate in IBCO using your hardware wallet or if you don’t want to use Hegic interfaces. You will be able to claim HEGIC tokens after the IBCO end on 12/09/2020 starting 19:00:01 using the claim function.



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Hegic is an on-chain peer-to-pool options trading protocol built on Ethereum.