What I found inside churches in the Netherlands

Szandra Karacsony
Heights and depths
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2016

I remember my astonishment when I firstly entered the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam six years ago. From outside it looked like a historic church you can see everywhere in Europe but as you set foot in the building, you will find a gallery. The stained-glass windows and the Gothic arcades reminded me of the sanctity of the place even if I am not particularly religious. The different interior along with the lack of church accessories, however, made me somehow confused.

I have never seen a transformed church before, or at least I was unaware passing by a church that it was not used for religious services anymore. Then, I moved to the Netherlands this year and I realized that there are more converted churches in the Netherlands than grey herons in Amsterdam. I had a meeting at a startup company’s office in a deconsecrated church in downtown Amsterdam and drank craft beers in an ex-church in Haarlem.

Formerly Jacobskerk, now Jopen brewery with a café and a restaurant

The Dutch are very creative in reinventing of abandoned buildings, and thus bookstore, gym, supermarket or skateboard spot can be hidden behind the sturdy walls of a church.

An 15th-century cathedral transformed into a modern bookstore in Zwolle. (via Bkpunt)
Chapel of Living turned into a spatial residence in Utrecht (via Zecc)
Once a church, now a skatehall in Arnhem (via Skatehal Arnhem)
What can you do in an ex-church in Maastricht? For instance, working out (via Limburg Onderneemt)
An 18th-century abbey became a cozy café in Abshoven (via Inhabitat)

I might have needed a little time for getting used to the idea that a church from outside is not evidently a church inside. When I saw the World Press Photo exhibition in Nieuwe Kerk a couple of months ago, I did not feel myself out of place. Up until the point, I noticed I was stepping over the graves of Dutch notables.

Are you still hungry for interesting stories? Do you know what the Dutch love besides transforming churches? Check this out:



Szandra Karacsony
Heights and depths

Once a journalist, always a journalist. Obsessed with interesting stories.