Building a global online community from the old mental hospital

Heimo Community
Heimo Press
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2016


Think one moment the thing that you have never told to anyone. The thing that is so hard to tell or there is no one who would understand you.

There are stories that are never told. They are untellable stories; stories about broken mind, broken heart, loneliness, sexual identity, social fobia, anxiety… Shame and fear of stigma are overwhelming obstacles to tell these stories.

Now imagine a place where you could share these untellable stories and connect with others who have experienced the same. Facebook, Reddit? No. There are thousands of social media services and we use some of them every day. However, there is no social media, where you could truly open up your mind. Until now.

Heimo is a social media for these untellable stories, it is the peer support online community where you can share your story with others who responds with empathy and understanding. Heimo is a safe place to share your inner thoughts and get support from others who have experienced the same. You are no longer alone!

Anyone can create own tribe and join to the discussion right now!

Heimo goes global!

Heimo’s international launch was April 2016 and we have already huge amount of people coming from Asia, especially from Philippines and Indonesia. Already tens of thousands of Filipinos has used Heimo and shared their untellable stories.

Heimo’s team has over 40 experience in building social media platform. We have already built the biggest social media’s in Nordics and now we want help people to open up their mind and share their untellable stories in a safe environment. We are a global community and our headquarter is located in an old mental hospital in Finland. The hospital was opened 1841, but nowadays it provides us a place to create the best possible online community where people help each other.

Join our community and share your story 😃



Heimo Community
Heimo Press

Heimo is the social media for life challenges. It is about being able tell about your true feelings and thoughts. Sharing the untellable stories safely.