Heinbail Dynasty League Season 3, Week 13— The Final Countdown

Nick Sarlo
Heinbail Dynasty League
4 min readDec 1, 2016

And here we are. 12 weeks down, 1 week to go.

For half of us, this will be the last week before putting everything on the line for the ultimate glory — a Heinbowl Championship. A chance for their names to be forever enshrined in the Hall of Champions; to be envied and admired while drinking from their Mugs by those mortals who, as they often do in their lives, came up sort.

For the other half, it will be the beginning of the 10 month of off-season come early; a depressing time of asking “what went wrong” and naively thinking things will be better next year.

So far Hallederer, Brett/Adam, and Falcone/Chris have locked up their spots in the tournament. That leaves Head, Calhoun, Mealey, and the Altbaums fighting for the last 3 spots.

Nick’s Picks — Week 13

Bill Clinton’s Balloons (10–2) vs Jon Dorenbos’ Magic Show (2–10)

Line: -62 Balloons

The two teams with the #1 seed and the #12 seed locked up face off in a match that could end up being one of the most lopsided all year.

Schweddy Rawls (8–5) vs MathewsMarcus LukeJohn (3–9)

Line: -5.34 Rawls

A win for Brett is an important step for locking up the #2 seed, which is probably his best chance at surviving week 14 in the playoffs. Injuries on Galante’s roster could limit his upside, but he is in a decent position to play spoiler with Brett not likely to repeat last week’s performance.

Hogan’s Heroes (4–8) vs The Mr. Peanuts (6–6)

Line: -14 Heroes

The Mr Peanuts technically still aren’t out of the playoff race, but they would need to win here for there to be any chance — something I just don’t see happening. Marino’s team has struggled, but he tends to put up decent scores every other week.

Jordan Cam eron Jordan (3–9) vs Specter Ross LITT (7–5)

Line: -60 Ross

Remember the story of David and Goliath?

It’s the story of how young David flung a stone at the towering soldier Goliath, knocking him down before viciously sawing his head off with his own sword. It’s about overcoming impossible odds, about not giving up in the face of fear, about how someone armed with faith can accomplish anything.

This is exactly like that story; if Goliath, after being hit with a little pebble from the river, laughed and proceeded to rip the little shits head off with his bare hands.

Uhhh WATT! YEEAAHH! (7–5) vs The Von Clownsticks (8–5)

Line: -3.45 Clownsticks

I think Cleve has the playoffs locked up, barring some crazy scenario where Martino beats the Altbaums, but a win here would certainly be good. Falcone and Chris are playing for the #2 seed, but thanks to losing to Brett a few weeks ago, need Brett to lose as well for it to happen. As the owner of Falcones pick and having traded away Bretts, GO BRETT!

Match of the Week

Scott Sterling’s Face (7–5) vs Fleeced or Famine (7–5)

Line: -14 Sterling

Division rematch? Check.

Winner makes the playoffs? Check.

Close projections? Check.

Two teams with unpredictable and volatile scoring that could see either see 200+ points as easily as 100 points? Check.

Hold on to your britches, bitches. Because it’s about to go down.

Calhoun, having a flair for the dramatic, took a team that was pretty much a lock for best in the league and decided to wait until Week 13 to make it into the playoffs.

Meanwhile, Mealey has taken an interesting strategy of “just see what the fuck happens”. Everyone else is making moves to try and get their team over the hump and in a good position for a deep run; Mealey sort of just points to Zeke and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We’ll see how his strategy of just seeing how far he can take his shitty, if surprisingly better than expected, but lets face it still shitty team, works out for him. Win-you’re-in for both teams.

