
h d w
Environmental Design
1 min readMar 14, 2017

I’ve thought long and hard on what to put on my process.

Pictures? Descriptions? A how-to? All of these are involved parts of the process, but none particularly stuck with me.

Someone once told me (to some effect) that process documentation is a tool to help remind future me of what I got out of the project. I think the biggest outtake that I got out of completing the project was this:

1) That I never want to pull another all-nighter again. Seriously. I’d rather fail than pull another all-nighter. And next time, I might fail, but I will never, ever pull another one.

2) Group projects with crappy communication means one miserable sod taking over the whole thing, a subgroup of miserable sods frantically running circles around said one sod, and a group of more miserable sods not actually doing anything and resenting the whole damn thing. I guess. Unless they’ve “transcended” the need to care, in which case, I’m highly resentful.

So in order to put my most personally responsible representation of my process, my work will be framed with the following outline:

