Helidon 2.1.0 is released

Dmitry Kornilov
Published in
Oct 19, 2020

I am proud to announce the Helidon 2.1.0 release. It’s a new minor release which introduces new features such as MicroProfile 3.3 support, new FaultTolerance implementation and @HelidonTest annotation, as well as bug fixes and performance improvements. The new version is available in Maven Central. See the full list of changes in the release notes.

MicroProfile 3.3

Supporting Microprofile is one of main project Helidon priorities. In version 2.1.0 we bring full MicroProfile 3.3 support. MicroProfile 3.3 contains updated versions of the following specifications:

  • Config 1.4
  • Fault Tolerance 2.1
  • Health 2.2
  • Metrics 2.3
  • Rest Client 1.4

It’s a minor release with no backwards incompatible changes.

New FaultTolerance implementation

In this release we also introduced a new Helidon SE Fault Tolerance feature. This not only provides Helidon SE users a fault tolerance implementation, but it also replaces Hystrix in Helidon’s MicroProfile Fault Tolerance implementation. This is important because Hystrix is no longer under active development. For more information see the Helidon SE Fault Tolerance documentation.

Simplified testing of Microprofile applications

Another interesting feature is new @HelidonTest annotation which simplifies testing of MicroProfile applications in JUnit 5 environment. This provides the lifecycle management of CDI and Helidon MicroProfile server, so your tests can focus on testing your application. Start with @HelidonTest annotation, and look for details in Testing Helidon.



Dmitry Kornilov

Helidon Project lead, Jakarta EE contributor, Oracle Employee