Helidon 2.3.0

Dmitry Aleksandrov
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2021

The Helidon team is proud to announce that Helidon 2.3.0 is now available with new features and enhancements!

What’s New in 2.3.0

Oracle Cloud Integration Support

Cloud integration is part of microservices development, and for Helidon it was only natural that we would start with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

The first (and experimental) version available with Helidon 2.3.0 supports OCI config’s automatic discovery (using ~/.oci/configto read the information).

Currently implemented OCI features in both reactive (SE) and:

  • OCI Vault — supports secrets, encryption/decryption, and signature/verification
  • OCI Object Storage — supports uploading, downloading and deleting objects
  • OCI Telemetry Metrics — supports posting of metrics to OCI

HashiCorp Vault Support

HCP Vault provides all of the power and security of Vault, without the complexity and overhead of managing it yourself. Access Vault’s best-in-class secrets management and encryption capabilities instantly and onboard applications and teams easily.

In this release a full custom made support of Vault is provided both in reactive (SE) and synchronous way (MP) with no additional dependancies.

Vault integration supports the following features:

  • Secret Engines
    Key/Value version 2, Key/Value version 1, Cubbyhole, PKI, Transit, Database
  • Authentication Methods
    Token, Kubernetes (k8s), AppRole
  • Other Sys Operations and Configurations
    Enabling and disabling secret engines and authentication methods

Neo4j Integration

Neo4j is a de facto standard for graph databases. With current integration it is now possible configure Neo4j driver directly from Helidon config. The driver can then be directly injected in Helidon MP environment or used via Neo4j support object in Helidon SE. Additionally Health and Metrics are available by adding corresponding maven dependancies.

Micrometer Support

Micrometer provides a simple facade over the instrumentation clients for a number of popular monitoring systems. Currently, it supports the following monitoring systems: Atlas, Datadog, Graphite, Ganglia, Influx, JMX and Prometheus. With this release Helidon has full support of Micrometer.

Release notes can be found here.

If you have any questions or comments, visit our webpage, this blog, our YouTube channel or ask using Slack or Stackoverflow.

As always, many thanks to our contributors!

