Helidon 2.4.0 released!

Dmitry Aleksandrov
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2021

We are happy to announce that Helidon 2.4.0 is released!

This is really a huge release with a lot of enhancements and integrations. Let’s see what’s new!

Java 17 support

In September 2021 the long awaited Java 17 was released. This release is an LTS (Long Term Support). Helidon 2.4.0 is now fully compatible with Java 17 and it’s newest features!

More OCI Integrations

Helidon now has OCI ATP Service Integration with Wallet Management and Easy connection and DataSource Configuration. Integration with Object Storage and Vault now provides Health Checks.

Long Running Actions (LRA) Early Access

MicroProfile LRA provides a simple, loosely coupled transaction model for microservices that is based on the SAGA pattern for distributed transaction. It relaxes some of the constraints of ACID transactions to enable independent microservices to more easily participate in a potentially long-running orchestrated activity. Each microservice contributes the encapsulated business logic that is required to align with the overall outcome of the activity or transaction. Helidon uses Narayana as supported coordinator. But there is an experimental Helidon implementation of coordinator. This coordinator handles one or more participant services so that the execution of their business logic is organized in a predictable way.


Helidon now has full integration with MicroStream including Health, Metrics and Caching support.

MicroStream is a high-performance, java-native persistence engine. You can partially store and load any Java object graph or sub-graphs, relieved of heavyweight JPA. MicroStream also provides microsecond response time, ultra-high throughput and minimal latencies to create ultra fast in-memory database applications and microservices.

Kudos to MicroStream Team for contributing this integration!

Configuration Profiles

You can now easily switch between development, test and production configuration profiles. Helidon now fully supports MicroProfile Config Profile (from MicroProfile Config 2.0).

JEP 290 Serialization Filtering

JEP 290 allows incoming streams of object-serialization data to be filtered in order to improve both security and robustness. Now Helidon warns you if an application uses permissive filtering, provides serialization tracing and has built-in support for reject-all filtering with allow-list override.

Oracle UCP 21.3 Native Image Support

Helidon now supports Oracle UCP 21.3 in Native Image builds.

Open IdConnect Integration Improvements

Helidon 2.4.0 now has Logout support, OAM support and improved IDCS integration.

A lot of enhancements!

Helidon 2.4.0 includes more than a 100 additional enhancements and bug fixes! Updating to this version is highly recommended.

Huge thanks to the team and all contributors!

Full release notes are available here: https://github.com/oracle/helidon/releases/tag/2.4.0

