Migrating a Spring Boot project to Helidon (Helidon Petclinic)

Dmitry Kornilov
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2024

In the Helidon support channels, we frequently encounter questions about migrating Spring Boot applications to Helidon. To address these inquiries, we concluded that creating a Helidon version of the well-known Spring Petclinic demo application and documenting the migration strategies and challenges would be the best approach. I volunteered for the task because of my previous experience with Spring programming and because I hadn’t engaged in real programming for quite some time, and I wanted to demonstrate that I still could. Whether I succeeded or not, you readers can decide after reviewing the work. Perhaps I shouldn’t have taken it on. You can find the result here. Anyway, enough philosophical musings; let’s get down to business.

You will learn about:

  • The motivation behind writing this article
  • The architecture of the Spring Petclinic Rest project
  • The architecture of the Helidon Petclinic project
  • How to migrate the data module
  • How to migrate REST controllers
  • How to write tests
  • Interesting issues and pitfalls, along with their solutions

Read the full article on Dmitry’s technical Blog.



Dmitry Kornilov

Helidon Project lead, Jakarta EE contributor, Oracle Employee