Helio x WooCommerce Marketplace Listing!

Stijn Paumen
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2023

What’s happening

Helio is launching a plug-in in partnership with WooCommerce / Automattic to be featured as ONE of just crypto payments plug-ins for WooCommerce’s leading Wordpress e-commerce suite. We are ecstatic to be moving ahead here, and the sky is truly the limit in terms of distribution opportunities the WooCommerce platform / ecosystem can provide, and we look forward to working with the many many Wordpress entrepreneurs and users out there!

“Helio’s skillful integration of NFT sales & token-gating alongside crypto payments on multiple blockchains could be instrumental in helping Woo merchants leverage the crypto opportunity”

  • Dave Lochie, Web3 Lead at Automattic

Why it’s important

Helio continues to expand its distribution, reach, and means of merchants integrating its powerful suite of crypto payments tools & features. To-date, Helio has been usable via our no-code consumer checkout pages on hel.io and via our developer-friendly React-based embedded checkout modals. Now, merchants can discover and interact with Helio in a whole new way! — with a fully integrated plug-in experience in WooCommerce, who boast 3.3mm users globally!

Community alignment

We find this partnership particularly exciting, given the ethos alignment between the crypto/web3 and Wordpress communities. Wordpress & Woocommerce offer fully open-source experiences where everyone & anyone can plug-in and enjoy the benefits of the community bases, toolsets, and digital ways of life. This is in direct alignment with crypto/web3, which has deep roots in open-source, with, at a high-level, a goal of bringing full ownership & autonomy of assets back to individuals, and enabling frictionless, peer-to-peer asset & monetary exchange.

Why crypto for your WooCommerce storefront?

Crypto payments with Helio are a powerful add-on alongside credit card payments offering key benefits

  • Faster: instant pay out in your crypto wallet — no delays!
  • Cheaper: transaction fees starting at 0.75%
  • No disputes: 0% dispute rate, say goodbye to expensive chargebacks
  • More sales: reach a fast growing audience of crypto users who love paying with a single click of their Phantom, MetaMask or other crypto wallets

Get started now!!

Increase your sales by adding the Helio WooCommerce Plugin to any store and begin taking payments in USDC or other tokens in 5 minutes. The Helio Plugin co-exists with all known checkouts for a seamless crypto and fiat experience.

Helio’s marketplace listing on Woo: ttps://woocommerce.com/products/helio-pay/

Launch app: hel.io
Docs: https://docs.hel.io/

Some checkout impressions:

Open beta and feedback please…

Today’s release is an open beta and we’d love to hear your feedback. Fast follow-on features including more blockchains, NFTs and more will follow in Q4. Now, let’s get selling on Woo….🚀

Join our growing community ❤️





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Helio — The Web3 payments platform ⚡️



Stijn Paumen
Editor for

Dutch guy in London. Works at Helio, the Web3 payments platform⚡️ Currently in learning mode…