Introducing multi-chain DeFi payments

sunny Hsiao
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2023

With Helio, merchants can now spin up a single checkout experience and seamlessly receive USDC payments (and many other currencies) across multiple blockchains. And, of course, still fully decentalised.

Why is this a big deal?

Today, there are a dozen or so blockchains with meaningful adoption, including Solana, Polygon, Ethereum, Polkadot & BNB, each with their independent ecosystems of apps and users. Users can’t switch or move money between these blockchains easily and therefore it’s difficult for apps and developers to scale and reach larger user audiences.

For merchant payments, this is also a problem. Let’s say you offer your product to Etherum users on Ethereum, you can’t accept a payment from a user with money funded in their Solana wallet. This dynamic greatly reduces your addressable market.

First-generation crypto payment processors such as Coinbase Commerce and Bitpay allow merchants to offer payments in practically any crypto on any blockchain, BUT, there’s a catch:

These are CENTRALISED solutions meaning you receive money in your Coinbase or Bitpay exchange wallet and buyers typically must send money from their exchange wallet via a QR code.

This generally defeats the purpose of using blockchain payments in the first place, falling short of the DeFi ethos of being able to:

  • Receive money directly from a buyer into a self-custody wallet such as MetaMask, Phantom or Ledger without a central actor such as a bank or exchange. Fully censorship-resistant with instant settlement
  • Let consumers purchase with a single tap of their self-custody wallet using their Web3 identity leading to faster processing, better UX and increased privacy

Why are Helio DeFi payments unique?

With that, Helio today introduces a checkout solution for merchants that provides the best of both worlds:

  • Reach the maximum number of users across blockchains with a single USDC checkout UX compatible with Solana, Polygon and Ethereum
  • 100% DeFi: the buyer purchases with their self-custody wallet of choice, and the merchant instantly receives money in their self-custody wallet, upon payment. All this while being fully censor-ship resistant, and offering private & fast payments, without any bank or central-actor intermediary.

Become a Helio merchant?

Here are some simple steps to get started:

  • Login to Helio with your wallet of choice on any supported chain and link an additional wallet:
  • Create your payment in USDC (or other currency), enable the multiple Blockchain options
  • Embed the checkout in your app or use Helio no-code checkouts. Users select their network of choice and pay with a single tap.
  • Helio Dashboard: all your DeFi payments across multiple chains in one place!

Contact us today! 😎 to spin up your decentralised payments for NFT sales, e-commerce, subscriptions & more.

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Helio — The Web3 payments platform ⚡️

