Why Do I Have to Organize?

Louis Lim
Helios Eos
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2019

Hi there! Cheryl here guest-writing this article.

Just a year ago, I asked myself this question. “Why Do I have to Organize?” Living with my parents, my mom would often come in to my messy room and nagged me to clean up my room. Like all parents do. My reply was always, “It’s an organized mess, I know where things are.” Matter of fact, I do not know where my things are kept.

Fast forward to today, living with my husband, our room is so much more organized. What caused me to change?

A cleaner room not only helps in item finding and cleanliness, it also helps in your mental health.

There has been several studies conducted that shows people who have cleaner homes generally experience better mental states of mind. For example, a survey conducted by the National Sleep Center found that people who makes their bed in the morning are 19% more likely to get a good night’s rest because they feel more comfortable in their clean sheets.

Another study also shows that clutter in the home causes multiple visual distractions which takes your attention unconsciously. This leads to less focus and concentration. Of course, clearing all the mess and dust also leads to better health in the household.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So How Do I Start With Organization?

  1. It has to start with you first. Have a ready mindset to kick start the organization habits at home. This is also where many people tend to fail as the idea does not convert to actions
  2. It does not have to be major. Starting out something is never easy. You don’t have to take on a heavy task of cleaning the entire house at the start. Something like the Kaizen Method is a good way of starting a new habit and it only requires one minute a day. Remember, many small tasks accumulates to one big action.
  3. Label. Label. Label. Yes, labeling can be a mundane and tedious task. However, you will come to appreciate it when you need to find an item. It could be simple labels using post-its or digitally using a home inventory tool such as WIZT. Labels really do come in handy especially in times of need.
WIZT app interface

4. Declutter what you don’t need. The rule of thumb that I follow when it comes to clearing out old items. If an item has not been used for the past one year, it is probably time to get rid of it. You might even earn some extra pocket change selling away old items. One man’s trash could be another man’s treasure.

Hopes this article helps you start a new organized life, and catch you again soon here.



Louis Lim
Helios Eos

I am the founder of Helios Eos. We developed WIZT, an inventory app that strive to let users search and communicate better about where things are.