Helios Staking Phase 3 Elrond Delegation: A Decentralized Approach

Kevin Lydon
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2021

Here at Helios Staking, we are proud to be one of the top validators for the Elrond network. We’d like to take this opportunity to reveal our Elrond Delegation Phase 3 approach:

The Approach

Currently we manage 23 validator nodes with several fail-overs valued at over $5.5 million for our early stage investors. At this time, we’re able to start scaling our network to help enable more users to earn staking rewards. Since the third test-net release on Elrond’s network, our partnership has provided:

  • 99.99% up-time
  • 1:1 fail over nodes to ensure little to no downtime
  • Perfect 100 /100 rated nodes
  • Over-spec reliable infrastructure in 6 data centres across the globe.
  • 24/7 monitoring & support
  • Powering 1% of the entire network

Our Advantage

By delegating with us you will benefit from our track record, partnership, and commitment to the Elrond Network. In particular, this partnership with Elrond has allowed Helios Staking to build not only a very strong foundation to scale from, but a foundation that has exemplified a strong track record of success. Helios Staking will be a long term validator for Elrond.

We put your staking rewards on autopilot. This community will ensure that your rewards will continue flowing at every daily epoch as the years go by.

Community Matters to Us

Finally, what is most important to us is your success. We understand that since we’re mutually linked to one another’s success, we all grow together as a community. Community means sharing in one another’s triumphs. Even though we would love to have you delegate all of your funds with us, we’d like to take this opportunity to communicate that it’s our official stance that you should spread your funds out over many staking providers as possible. We strongly recommend that our community spreads their delegated stake around for two reasons. The first is that you should improve your own decentralization strategy. Decentralization is at the core of our own internal strategy so we believe all members of our community should naturally embody this ethos. The second is that you should spread your own risk. As the old saying goes, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

As part of our commitment to decentralization and limiting risk, we’re putting a cap of 250,000 eGLD on our delegation contract. The contract will be first come, first serve.

At the end of the day we are all in this together, so your success is our success!

So without further ado, see below our delegation Phase 3 genesis rates and info.

✅ Cap: 250,000 EGLD

✅ Min. Stake: 1 EGLD

✅ Network APY: 24.40%*

✅ Delegator APY: Up to 20.74% (Net APR after all fees)

✅ Agency APY: 3.66%

✅ Commission: 15%

✅ Un bonding Period: 10 Days

✅ Infrastructure Fund: 500 EGLD (5% of agency rewards until filled. This does not affect your APY or rewards)

The network APY is based on a total of 3,200 nodes and $8,000,000 staked. As the network grows, the APY will decrease for all delegators and validators. See below for a better understanding of how this works:

* With the Elrond economic model, there will be a minimum guaranteed reward amount per year. That decreases every year. You can read more about that here: https://elrond.com/blog/the-wealth-of-crypto-networks-elrond-economics-paper/

What’s an Infrastructure Fund?

On top of our internal budgets to pay for the day to day operations, we’ll be saving an additional 500 EGLD by taking 5% directly from our fees until it’s filled (your APY or rewards are not affected). By doing this, we can keep our commission rate steady in the event of a bear market. We will also ensure we always have extra resources available in the unfortunate event of disaster recovery. Our commitment is always to the community first and we’ll publish this wallet address with monthly updates. Hopefully we never have to use this fund, however, this will provide peace of mind for both you and us. Just in case, any unforeseen issues will always be backed by this fund.

What’s Next?

  • The staking pool will be accepting delegators on March 26th, 2021 (exact time to be announced). Join our telegram channel to get up to the minute updates.
  • Stay tuned for an AMA this week with Kevin Lydon to answer any questions you might have. After this we will be transitioning our channel into a discussion channel from an announcement one.
  • You will be able to delegate your $EGLD at the following locations: Elrond Wallet (wallet.elrond.com), the Maiar app, and also our delegation manager. Link will be released when delegation is live to prevent any bots or bad actors.
  • Follow us on our Telegram and Twitter for more tools to help you make the right choice throughout the week.

About Helios Staking

Helios Staking is a Staking-as-a-Service provider strictly dedicated to the growth of Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain networks. The firm is in direct collaboration with the Elrond Network as one of their chosen and trusted Genesis Launch partners. Services offered include eGLD tokens delegation & guaranteed annualized returns through innovating staking products.

About Elrond

Elrond is a new blockchain architecture, designed from scratch to bring a 1000-fold cumulative improvement in throughput and execution speed. To achieve this, Elrond introduces two key innovations: a novel Adaptive State Sharding mechanism, and a Secure Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm, enabling linear scalability with a fast, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism. Thus, Elrond can process upwards of 10,000 transactions per second (TPS), with 5-second latency, and negligible cost, attempting to become the backbone of a permissionless, borderless, globally accessible internet economy.

The Internet Scale Blockchain

We give anyone, anywhere easy access to the digital economy, by bringing a 1000x improvement in blockchain speed…


To learn more about Helios Staking and how to stake with them visit them at

Helios Staking: Professional Staking-as-a-Service Provider


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Helios Staking B.V.

