Programming Principles For Early Stage Startups

Devin Dixon
Helium MVC


While some of us write code as a hobby, many of us execute programming as a full-time job. When it comes doing performing this as a job, how the code is written differs on the type of company you work for. Arguably, there are 3 companies types that influence coding style:

  • Startups: Startups need to get features out the door quickly and then iterate.
  • Agencies: Agencies need to deliver a solution within a clients budget, little room for iterations and mistakes.
  • Enterprises (ie Google): Enterprises strive for perfection, which creates long development cycles.

In this article, we are going to over principles of development for early-stage startups to create successful products that have the following benefits for the company:

A) Delivering Quality Code, Quickly
B) Minimizing Technical Debt
C) Knowledge Transfer To Future Developers

1. Expect To Re-Write Your Code & Do Not Over Architecture

First is establishing the mindset that will lay the foundation for the other principles.

Early stage products are not about perfection, it’s about validation of concept, exploration of new ideas, and quick…

