Does helix id have an Instagram account?

New social media chapter for helix id is about to begin

Anastasia Alenina
helix id
5 min readAug 21, 2020


Instagram was created back in 2010 as a mobile, social network where people could share their private photos and short videos. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for 1 billion US dollar and has been growing to up to 1 billion users worldwide. The content on Instagram changed also: From simple photos and videos to complex and well thought out content. Nowadays, we can see high-quality pictures and professionally produced videos on the platform. This is what makes Instagram a perfect place for businesses to interact with their customers.

The following article explains what we are planning to do on Instagram. Have a good read!

Why do we even need a @helix id Instagram-Account?

There are a couple of reasons. The three most important ones are:

  1. We want to increase our visibility and make people familiar with our app. The Blockchain HELIX team developed a fantastic app and we want to make it available to everyone. That’s why potential users have to get to know us in the first place and also build up a certain trust in us. An Instagram channel is perfect for that.
  2. Instagram offers great support for brand building. We are able to convey the authenticity of our brand through transparent and informative content. Just being present on Instagram as a business is already a big step towards brand building.
  3. Lastly, we want to connect to our community. We manage to do that by sharing information regarding our vision, product and team to helix id users and interested followers.

Who are our potential followers?

Everyone who owns a smartphone is part of our target audience. According to Statista, 57.7 million Germans possess a smartphone. That’s quite the number.

Each smartphone user uses social media, online banking, online shopping and dating apps on a daily basis. These apps and services collect a lot of data. The question that matters to us is how much these people are aware of the data collection and if they are concerned of their data privacy.

We believe that many people think about the protection of their personal information. For example, teenagers nowadays are increasingly aware of data privacy. A study about the Gen Z shows that up to a fifth of young people leave social networks due to data protection concerns.

Who do we follow and why?

We intend to follow accounts of our business partners. Also, we are thinking about other potential partners and search for innovative startups which we are going to follow as well.

Those will not only include business accounts but also people who are dealing with topics like innovation, sustainability and startup culture in general.

In addition, we are planning to follow our competitors — companies that also develop digital identity solutions. Now you might ask yourself why we would do that. That’s because we believe that competing businesses are an opportunity for collaboration. Joint projects with partners are the basis for a strong business and a sustainable product development. The lingo for that is “Coopetition” — even if two companies are competitors, a cooperation can benefit both companies. In the modern digital economy, the classic concept of competitions is vanishing slowly but steadily.

Which hashtags do we use?

Defining your own hashtags is essential for a successful Instagram channel. But we won’t be using all 30 hashtags that are allowed per feed post. Rather, we will customize them thematically. Every hashtag is used to increase our reach and improve our visibility to potential followers. Instagram users can also subscribe to different hash tags.

These are some of our hashtags:

helixidapp #digitaltrustmatters #digitaleidentität #identity #selbstbestimmt #transparent #datenkontrolle #innovation #trusttech #startup #vertrauen #datensicherheit #datenschutz #technologie #community #helixidinnovator #helixidinnovatorchallenge #smartcontracts #digitaltransformation #digitalisierung #generationvertrauen #selfsovereignidentity #powerteam #network #revolution #digitalnomad #bhfsvrtl #frankfurt #germany #techforgood

What else can we reveal?

Of course it’s not a secret how to build up an own community on Instagram. We are starting off with classic measures.

First and foremost is the regularity of our posts. New feed posts will be published three times a week, stories will be published twice a week.

To be able to better understand our target group, we have to take a closer look at the numbers. Instagram’s integrated analysis tool, Insights, offers helpful and in-depth information regarding our followers, especially in terms of demographic characteristics.

We want to arouse interest in our channel by organizing giveaways and the helix id Innovator Challenge. Our goal: Increase interaction with our channel. That can be done quite well if people can win something.

Last but not least, we want to use user-generated content. This is content that is created by our followers. We want to show our product in connection with people and tell stories about it. This makes our Instagram channel more authentic and appealing. We don’t want to publish obvious advertisements.

Innovator Challenge (Early Adopter Campaign)

We’ve invited influencers from Germany for our first campaign. By means of our helix id Innovator Challenge, we’d like to awake interest in our app and brand. At the same time we increase our visibility on Instagram.

You can find more information on our Innovator Challenge under

Happy Hunting!

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