Our neighbors from Münchener Strasse: Ina Gross, Founder & CEO 3d visions

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Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2021
3d visions

Our beautiful loft from the Blockchain HELIX AG is located in Frankfurt’s creative Bahnhofsviertel. We start our interview series with our neighbors at the backhouse at Münchener Str. 45 today and give you some more insights into our colorful office life (unfortunately currently home office life) and introduce you to our first neighbor, the charming Ina.

Ina Groß is the owner of the interior design office 3d visions in Frankfurt am Main. The Dipl.-Ing. in interior design, studied in Mainz and has been working as a freelancer since 2006, two years later she started her own business with 3d visions. Since then, Ina has successfully implemented the visions of her customers. The work of 3d visions is characteristically creative and innovative, working in close cooperation with the customer. Another major focus for large commercial customers is in the area of office planning and design, as well as drafts for furniture, walls and large-area floor designs. Dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery practices in addition to showrooms have also been planned and designed by her.

Hello Ina! Thanks for making it work. In 2004 you successfully completed your studies in Mainz and started working as a freelancer in 2006. How did you come to know so early that you wanted to work independently?

Since very early, when I was only 16 years old and still a high school student, I knew that I wanted to be self-employed most of all. At that time I just wasn’t sure which way to go.

With 3d visions in 2008 followed then the path to self-employment. What was your motivation to take this step back then?

As a freelancer, I wanted to be able to be as free as I could only imagine. I wanted to be independent and to take full control and responsibility for my actions in all phases of the project. It was also particularly important to me to be able to make the final decisions by myself.

A few years have passed since then. What were your best moments of success within your own interior design business and what were the most important learnings?

Let’s start with the lessons I have learned: that you mentally deal practically “day and night” with the current projects and that you have to be permanently available for customers or in project execution involving craftsmen, etc. Often you work through the night or even the weekend if a project has to be planned or completed by a certain date. Finding a healthy balance between work and leisure was a great learning curve.

Furthermore, it simply takes time to find an efficient company structure. It is important for me that I don’t stand still, but keep developing new visions so that I can implement them for sure.

As for my most beautiful (successful) experiences: these are always my satisfied and happy customers with whom I am happy when, after completion of a project, an end result has been achieved that has become physically and visually like I have imagined through the cooperation of all those involved.

What plans do you have for the future? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? And which interior furnishing trend for our office we shouldn’t miss in 2021?

As for the future, I don’t have any specific plans, but I always have new ideas and visions that I would like to realize.

In the past, for example, I always wanted to study civil engineering or art history to further develop my personal and professional horizons after studying interior design. Unfortunately, I haven’t found the time to do it yet, but maybe it will work out in retirement (laughs).

Let’s come to the question of where I see myself in five years: I definitely want to expand and deepen my current field of activity. I would like very much to deepen the design and planning projects in the medical field. And last but not least, I allow myself to be surprised by what else I have to do.

What are the trends for 2021? A good question. The trend to work freely in teams that are as well-coordinated as possible is not really new. In the future it will be even more weighty than before. Brainstorming, e.g. with employees of a team, on whiteboards (rooms) in creative zones, which invite you to relax and think freely and, can be quickly and flexibly redesigned as required, will become more and more important in the future. Paired with modern means of communication and because of how we have already been tested in 2020. Even for large companies, it will no longer be so important where their employees are, but how the teams come together.

The trend towards sustainability will continue to grow in the future. This is not only evident in the interior design in terms of colors and materials that convey “naturalness”, but is already finding its way into architecture. For example, more and more buildings made of clay and constructions made of wood are coming to life again.

The nature in the interior becomes more and more tangible through various textures that take up different organic structures. Real plant walls also promote a good indoor climate, improve the acoustics and help relax body, mind and soul.

As far as you are concerned, you should rely on mobile furniture systems and natural-looking materials for 2021, e.g. in the form of wallpapers, carpets, plants and acoustic absorbers.

Finally, a personal question: if you could spend an evening with a famous person, who would it be and why?

In fact, Albert Einstein and Marie Curie already fascinated me as a child. I was impressed by their genius and inquisitive spirit. And especially their passion to burn for your visions and not let anyone stop you on your way. These two scientists were my role models.

Otherwise I would like to go bouldering for a day with Chris Sharma and Adam Ondra (professional sport climbers). Simply because it would be fun.

Thank you, Ina for this inspiring interview!

Learn more about Ina’s company & her creative projects at vision3d or contact Ina at i.gross@3dvisions.eu




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