A New Health and Wellness Marketplace

Ray Belleville
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

The Helix3 platform provides a trusted marketplace for users to interact and exchange value between others using our HLX tokens.

Learn how members earn HLX tokens here: The FitFlow Goal Achievement System.

Helix3 will create a marketplace offering Groupon-like functionality for beauty and anti-aging products, fitness and mind + body exercise and health eating, nutrition and weight loss merchants.

Merchants can list their product and service coupons and recieve payment in HLX tokens earned through the members activity.

Merchants may also pair their products and services with a prescribed set of activities and milestones, rewarding members with HLX tokens for achieving their goals.

The goal achievements are verified by a third party (e.g. Primary Physician, Trainer) or other measuring devices (e.g.Fitness Tracker, Digital Scale) increasing trust in the entire process.

This combination of healthy activities and goal achievement rewards provides Fitness, Mind+Body Exercise, Nurtition and Weightloss merchants with the ability to gain new business and Helix members are incentivized to continue their healthy behaviors.

While the merchant list is being populated with choices for everyone, users will be able to spend their HLX tokens towards gift cards and enter drawings for “Re-creation Packages” consisting of digital fitness devices and other health and wellness products and services.

The marketplace, will offer cards from over 50 health conscious friendly retailers.

Health and Wellness Related Retailers

Automation Through Smart Contracts

Transactions on the Helix3 marketplace platform are automated through smart contracts. The smart contract dictates the terms of service, and uses consensus to ensure that the results are immutable.

As more and more integration partners are added to the Helix3 platform, the more tightly controlled the delivery of services can be my using multiple data sources to validate and execute transactions.

Smart contracts will allow Helix3 to evolve into various areas of the healthcare market from claims and administrative tasks, to deep learning and AI while providing the highest level of privacy and transparency, controlled by the member.

The platform uses 2 factor authentication, private key and encryption to secure every transaction that takes place.


The Helix3 Platform improves on the foundational layer by facilitating payment transactions directly through the system. Users can pay for healthcare products and services using the HLX token as a secure and fast way to pay or be paid.

By design Helix3 makes sure all participants involved have a realtime view into the transaction. Our goal is to have all healthcare related payments settled in seconds.

Future modules on the Helix3 platform will focus on claims reimbursement through benefits providers. Generally, these payments i involve the patient, provider, insurer and a clearing house to authorize the claim and payout the required funds for the medical product or service. This process creates friction, delays and unnecessary intermediaries to get involved.

By leveraging the Helix Cortex Integration Framework, the claims process can be entirely automated by leveraging data from medical devices combined with patient and provider authorization. Through automation, duplication, fraud, and administrative burden can be reduced.

Ratings System

Trust is an important part of any community especially when it involves your money, health and well being. By design the Helix3 platform has a built in user based rating system. This allows all participants to leave a ratings score based on their experience. Each users rating will evolve over time as they transact in the Helix marketplace.

An added benefit of the Helix3 platform is that each FitFlow provider can be rated automatically by the platform based on their goal achievement success and their members ability to follow the plan.

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Ray Belleville
Editor for

Co-founder and Chief Technology and Strategy Officer for http://helix3.io