What is Precision Preventative Medicine?

Ray Belleville
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2018

Before we go into what PPM is, let’s review the top problems facing healthcare today.

  1. The US spends $3.4 Trillion per year in healthcare and is ranked last in patient outcomes.
  2. The US wasted approximately $1 trillion in healthcare spending, almost 1/3rd.
  3. The average wait time to see a Primary care physician in the US is over 29 days.
  4. Just 5 chronic diseases are the biggest burden on healthcare and most are preventable.

There are many companies, associations, and government trying to solve these problems, but there is another way to impact all of these problems.

Why do we need Precision Preventative Medicine?

What you may not hear about regularly is that 2/3rds of the deaths in the US are caused by just 5 things of which 4 of them are health related.

“Five things kill more people in the United States than anything else: heart disease, cancer, lung disease such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, stroke and unintentional injuries such as those on roads or caused by medication overdoses” — CNN.com

Another report that addresses preventable chronic conditions says:

“Chronic diseases and conditions — such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis — are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems” — CDC.gov

In the same article, the risk factors were identified as:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.
  3. Obesity (high body mass index).
  4. Physical inactivity.
  5. Excessive alcohol use.
  6. Diets low in fruits and vegetables.
  7. Diets high in sodium and saturated fats.

What does Precision Preventative Medicine need to be?

The solution needs to focus on lowering the input into the reactive healthcare system, so we impact all 3 of the core problems at once by addressing the top risks factors.

In order to deliver this solution, we need people to consolidate their data in such a way that it isn’t vulnerable to centralized storage attacks like the Equifax breach of 2017.

This data can be genome data, activity data, patient portal and benefits data, and IoMT amongst many other things. You can see why this data needs to be held securely than it is today.

Read the rest of the article on our Healthcare Blockchain website



Ray Belleville
Editor for

Co-founder and Chief Technology and Strategy Officer for http://helix3.io