Android vs iOS: Which should be your first platform?

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4 min readApr 5, 2019

After a lot of research on the idea that you had in your mind, you have finally decided to build a mobile app but there lies a question on which platform are you going to launch?

Initially, it seems easy as you have only two option: Android and iOS.

Even though your goal might be to launch on both platforms, risk, and expense associated with developing for two platforms concomitantly is very high. Each platform has a distinct set of advantages and disadvantages, so it is essential to do enough research on platforms to understand which aligns with your business goals. Most developers pick one platform to start and then launch the app on the other platform after the initial version of the app is stable and successful.

This article is an in-depth analysis of factors that are important and to be considered before starting development. Following is the list:

  1. Market
  2. Timeline
  3. Budget
  4. Revenue Goal


Your business model and which audience you want to serve are important when you are choosing a platform for your app. Customers of the different platform have different habits and different characteristics.

Big Chunk of the market is owned by Android and it gets more app download than iOS. Android is the market leader and runs on more device. But iOS users spend more on apps and in-app purchases with a much higher level of customer engagement.

Android is strong in developing and emerging countries which includes countries from Asia, Africa, and South America. iOS users are young affluent, more educated and tend to live in North America, Western Europe, and Australia. Men tend to prefer android while women tend to go for iPhones.


Features are basically an important aspect of any app. We need to develop a list of features beforehand and restrict those requirements before the 1st iteration. Every platform has its own way of working and despite providing almost identical service they have an entirely different way of working.

Apple is a closed ecosystem which means it regulates each and every function that is used. If you work on the iOS platform you are working to create an application for less number of devices and very few variants. As iOS is a proprietary platform so not everybody can come up with their own variants.

While Android is an open source so there is flexibility in creating the app and customizing the platform according to their needs. Developing for Android is time-consuming because of the longer release cycle and device fragmentation. Building an app that runs with multiple Android devices generally takes more time. There are thousands of Android devices which have different screen sizes and OS versions running.


Development on any platform has a cost associated with it. Cost of development is dependent on the scope and complexity of the project. Project with more complexity and more size will always cost more.

Android development takes on an average 30% more time than compared to the iOS project. It also contains on an average 40% more code compared to an iOS project. On average, it takes 30% more time to develop an Android app.

iOS Platform has strict rules and high-quality expectations and a long review process, it may take longer for apps to be approved. An app might even get rejected for not matching up with Apple Products. So even if takes less time to develop but it takes a lot of time to get listed on iOS App Store.

Revenue Goal

The purpose of every application is to generate revenue. Some of the common business models are:

  1. Subscription
  2. In-app purchases
  3. Advertisement
  4. Pay Per Download

A decision for creating on the Android or iOS platform will depend on the business model you decide to implement.

Even though a number of Android apps running on devices is double compared to the Android app. But revenue generated is double on the iOS platform compare to the Android platform


After a discussion on all the parameters, we can say that the development of application depends on your business model and your target market.

For example, if you are looking to capture the affluent audience from North America, West Europe and Australia with high education then go for an iOS app. Or If you are looking to capture the Growing market with growing audiences from Asia, Africa, and Latin America with the business model of advertising in an app then go for Android App.

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Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.