Golden Development Methodology

Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2019

The best of Kanban and Scrum management has been compiled into a Scrumban board which we use for efficient output.

What is Scrumban?

Scrumban is the extension of agile methodologies taking best of Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban gives the best of both methodologies such as it gives the structure of Scrum for flexibility and visualization of Kanban, making it a very strong alternative for managing workflow. It also considers the prescriptive nature of Scrum for being agile and process improvement of Kanban allowing the team to improve its process.

Scrumban was developed out of the need for maximizing the output of small teams and to better utilize the pull-based system.

Scrumban involves following activities of iteration planning periodically along with the review and retrospection. The Scrumban is not all about filling all the slots but it is about planning to fill the slots that are available. This greatly helps in reducing any overhead regarding iteration planning. Time can be better managed with squeezing time for quality control inspection. This entire set up helps us in improving process because it plays a major role in root cause analysis

What is Scrum?

Scum is designed to respond to dynamic requirements and to adopt new technologies and quickly changing market conditions. Scrum helps in maximizing the team’s ability to deliver. Scrum consists of smaller fragments called sprints. Scrum generally have smaller teams and are cross-functional. Each small team work on their respective deliverables during the time of the sprint. The product owner selects all the work to be done in a sprint initially, and then the team works on that till the end of the sprint.

Based on insights gained by inspecting the release after each iteration, optimize the release plan and update priorities in collaboration with the customer. We can optimize the process by retrospecting after each iteration.

What is Kanban?

Kanban is a workflow management that was originated in Japan. In Kanban, work items are represented as a card on board, with columns that represent steps involved for achieving our goal. Boards are used by teams to manage collective work. Kanban’s major goal is to measure lead time and optimize the process which will eventually improve lead time by making it as small as possible and make sure a continuous flow of value towards customer.

Kanban’s visualization help in categorizing the work based on their current state and making sure only limited items are there in each of the states.

Advantages of Scrumban

  • Improvement in Quality
  • Minimal Lead Time
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Minimizing Waste
  • Improving Process
  • Just-In-Time

When to use Scrumban?

If the projects are concentrated on maintenance related activities such as event-driven work or support related activities. It is used for the project when it is difficult to predict the amount of work to be done over several weeks. Scrumban combines scrum’s flexibility and adaptability and monitoring ability with the ease of visualization and organization of Kanban project task.




Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.