Helix Swift: Build

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3 min readMay 16, 2019
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

HelixTech has built many applications for many of its clients and we were able to deliver a product of supreme quality and exceeding the client’s expectations. But the issue we found was that many entrepreneurs were without any plans and strategy. After the product was ready to launch and when everything went according to plan but still there no customers for that product was found. Even if there were some niche target audience they were not able to acquire those extra customers into the business. After that, we found that some were able to acquire some customers and create some initial market place for themselves but where not able to capitalize on that momentum. To pile on the misery most of them were also not able to grab funding for their product. So, in the end, they were left with their product which was not needed by the market and no one was ready to boost them with their money.

Creating numerous products over a period of time has helped us in building the perspective on how the product is built for the market and how it is marketed towards its target group. We have learnt the hard way which products are suitable are market and which are acceptable to investors. After learning all the important principles we created a package which will help early-stage startups and bootstrapped entrepreneurs. This package was actually built for helping first-generation entrepreneurs in conceptualizing the idea of doing business in the competitive market. Hence, the package was named as Swift Build.

Swift Build will have various different elements of services for users for entrepreneurs such as product validation to convincing investor pitch. Every entrepreneur is not sure about its product and hence they need a third-party validation. We will carry out the activity of validating product acceptance and the effectiveness of the business model. Over a period of time, we were able to build a full proof process of validating and knowing the product and come up with exact data for proving the hypothesis. We will help you with fundraising pitch which will increase the probability of converting a fundraising meeting into a fundraising activity. We will help you ignore all the mistakes that can kill your chances of getting funding.

App research will be the important component of Swift Concept as we will first lay out the plan before designing and development of application starts. App research is a one-week long package where we help you with product description, roadmap, functional requirement document, and project estimate.

Investor pitch package is the second component of the Build package. It will include the important aspect of how to gain the confidence of the VCs and help you define concise business strategy. This exercise can last for more than one month. And it will include an interactive prototype, market as well as business validation report, road map, and project estimate.

Still Confused? or Got an Idea and Need validation.

Book a 30-minute free consultation with us and learn about our development process.

Shoot an Email at startup@helixtech.co

Reach us at +919823245881

Skype ID: /helixtech7




Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.