HT Ambassador

Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019
Photo by Sara Riaño on Unsplash

We are a global company in terms of our reach and the quality of solutions. Our reach has not been limited within the boundaries of India but it has crossed the borders to change the way solutions are implemented to reach 8 cities and 3 continents. We have been able to scale so fast despite being a small team and creating a solution for businesses worldwide because of our signature partnership programme called “HT Ambassador”.

Our Ambassador programme is the long term partnership with other agencies around the world and helps them get delivered the product of premium quality. The idea behind this programme is to provide a strong infrastructure and better team for the development and design process for clients around the world and allowing agencies in other parts of the world to take on the opportunity and delivering the product that saves cost for the clients. Our programme has some of the best reason to choose us as a partner. Few of them are:

  • High skilled labour
  • World class infrastructure
  • Helps you save 70% of the cost
  • Result oriented
  • Strategic Development
  • Flexible Collaboration
  • Local Team

Our team has worked with numerous clients from different sectors creating multiple products for them. So the team has an experience of delivering the world-class product that are helping businesses around the world to create an impact and generate business.

In the past, we had a few of the successful partnerships around the globe. Through our partnership in Turkey, we were able to create some of the outstanding products impacting various sectors right from education to other heavy industry sectors. We have had very strong partnerships with few of the organization in the Middle East and Western Europe which led us to established ourselves over there. We were able to curate the product for various kind of culture and which are rooted as the world standard. Our other successful partnership has helped us create a product for solving ticket compensation problem in London to university social network building ideas.

This partnership helps us to reach the region where it is difficult to make your mark. Software products are required everywhere but reliable development studios are very few and we can help you with such kind of quality deliverables. The ideal partners for us could be a design agency, media agency, and other development organisation. We can together create better products.

For partnership :

Shoot an Email at

Reach us at +919823245881

Skype ID: /helixtech7




Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.