Sports betting was made social with more tightly knit communities

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3 min readMay 16, 2019
Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash


Sport has always bought people together in every situation. If your team is playing final then people don’t care about classification and they enjoy the moment. Sports have always been fun because of the community that it has established around it. Watching sports with your friends and discussing the probable strategy and the possible outcome is something that makes it even more special. There are more hardcore fans who always think that they have a better understanding of the sport and want to get involved and be part of that journey. Such enthusiasm has lead to the formation of many fantasy league and culture of the betting sport. But there was no easy to use implementation level of those betting arenas where friends are the limited and betting is more exciting and real. To make things happen Better was created. It was created for making betting exciting for the top football leagues.


Sports has always united people but it is the engagement in the sport that makes it more interesting for everyone around. People can engage only through a limited form of resources such as playing fantasy league and having a conversation on the social media platform. Later betting was also considered for other forms of engagement but those bets were generally played with some bookmakers. To make it fun and creating the same experience on the mobile application level was needed and we wanted the influence of friend circle to dictate the community of betting.


We created a solution which was very social and easy to compete with friends by betting on the top professional football leagues. With this application, we made sure that all the people are happily engaging about the product they are using. This application was a platform for fans to showcase the superiority of their football knowledge. Betting on the team with so much technical information and make it a fun activity was the biggest factor that was built in the DNA of this application. It was made sure to include the social element as the highest priority in the development of the application.

User-friendliness, as well as the simple and elegant way of quickly challenging friends, was the top priority during development. Making sure that in the process of simplifying the product we don’t lose out on the basic concept and the core of the application. Application development was not restrained to one particular platform. It was developed for all possible platform such as Android app, iOS app, and web platform. Each and every individual application was designed in such a way that users don’t feel disconnected when migrating from one platform to other platforms. The fun element of the application was the socialization and hence it was made sure that as many people as people to be onboard on the platform for concurrent use. UX and UI were essential elements as more and more betting application were emerging and delivering the best experience on a mobile device was our motto and we were able to deliver our claims of a smooth experience.

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Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.