Swift Care: Spend more time building your startup

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3 min readMay 21, 2019
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

HelixTech has built many applications for many of its clients and we were able to deliver a product of supreme quality that exceeded the client’s expectations. But the issue we found was that many entrepreneurs were without any plans and strategy. After the product was ready to launch and when everything went according to plan but still there were no customers for that product. Even if the product was for some niche target they were not able to acquire those customers and convert them into the business. After that, we found that some were able to acquire customers and create some initial market place for themselves but were not able to capitalize on that momentum. To pile on the misery most of them were also not able to raise funding for their product. So, in the end, they were left with their product which was not needed by the market and no one was ready to help them with their money.

Creating numerous products over a period of time has helped us in building the perspective on how the product is built for the market and how it is marketed towards its target group. We have learnt the hard way which products are suitable for the market and which are acceptable to investors. After learning all the important principles we created a package which will help early-stage startups and bootstrapped entrepreneurs.

Most people think that once the application is launched in the market and you have started acquiring a customer at a slow rate or exponentially, you are all set to be the next unicorn of the startup culture. But the truth is very bitter because even after you have planned exhaustively for each use cases and designed your application to stay in line with the newest design trend you can always get criticized. This is where it comes for you to deploy people in support staff for your application for helping you in fixing the problems that can come post-deployment of your product. To take care of all the issues that businesses face because of any factors we have created a package named “Swift Care

Swift Care is not just about the support regarding the product that was launched by our organisation but we help businesses that are looking for alternate support service. This service includes technical support such as making sure your servers are operational by any means. Monitoring the load or any unusual activity on your servers so that it can be tracked and fixed. We have a different level of support care design for you based on the requirement you have for your product. Our products are classified as follow:

  • Entry Care
  • Basic Care
  • Premium Care
  • Platinum Care

Each package has its own perk which can be availed according to your interest. We have crafted the packages as per industry standard and are actually flexible and divided in modules so that it can be implemented according to your suitability. You can also have access to our engineers over the phone or chat as your guide in helping you tackle the problem. You can contact us over email to get quotations about each plan and the exact perks involved in each of the plans.

Still Confused? or Got an Idea and Need validation.

Book a 30-minute free consultation with us and learn about our development process.

Shoot an Email at startup@helixtech.co

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Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.