Swift Pilot: Hardcore Market Validation of Your Idea Before You Go ‘All In’

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4 min readMay 21, 2019
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

HelixTech has built many applications for many of its clients and we were able to deliver a product of supreme quality that exceeded the client’s expectations. But the issue we found was that many entrepreneurs were without any plans and strategy. After the product was ready to launch and when everything went according to plan but still there were no customers for that product. Even if the product was for some niche target they were not able to acquire those customers and convert them into the business. After that, we found that some were able to acquire customers and create some initial market place for themselves but were not able to capitalize on that momentum. To pile on the misery most of them were also not able to raise funding for their product. So, in the end, they were left with their product which was not needed by the market and no one was ready to help them with their money.

Creating numerous products over a period of time has helped us in building the perspective on how the product is built for the market and how it is marketed towards its target group. We have learnt the hard way which products are suitable for the market and which are acceptable to investors. After learning all the important principles we created a package which will help early-stage startups and bootstrapped entrepreneurs. This package was actually built for helping first-generation entrepreneurs and businesses to validate their idea and creating a strong foundation base of their future product. This program is aimed at piloting your product hence the name, “Swift Pilot”.

Swift Pilot is a carefully designed program to help young and first generation entrepreneurs to create a product and services which are market fit and can generate real business value. It becomes difficult for many businesses and entrepreneurs to pivot their entire idea and business proposition once they have failed at the later stage of their product building activities. To prevent such mishaps and to save time and money for the entrepreneurs we have designed this program. By addressing issues at the early stages of product building you can mitigate risks associated with those risks. There are thousands of problem in this world which needs to be addressed but sometimes some problems are very basic to be addressed and they can be avoided and solved without any entrepreneurship required. Hence we can help you avoid building products which are not required in the market. Every entrepreneur has some hypothesis regarding the issue and the way its product can solve the problem. Such a hypothesis can sometimes go wrong and get you trapped in the wrong situation. We will replace those hypotheses and its assumptions with real-world data and help you analyse the situation based on facts and not on assumption. We will have proof of concept so that you can show it your list of potential investors and get appreciated for clarity in your thoughts.

This program has two different kinds of packages available in this service which can be avail according to your requirement. They are listed as follow as:

  • Ideation to Prototype
  • Interactive App Prototype

Ideation to Prototype is the journey for helping you to make your idea into a working prototype which could be tested with real customers. In this exercise, we will make you go lean with your product building capability as we will create a POC for you with only core feature sets that are important for your product. This will help you save a lot of time and money during your initial stage of product planning and conceptualization. Hence you can deal with smaller problems that are associated with this POC. And incorporate feedback on those prototypes to improve your product journey. This is a 5-week long procedure and can be extended beyond that based on the product requirement.

Interactive App Prototype is the exercise majorly focused on the design aspect of building application. It will help you with having 2–4 workflows of your product journey with an interactive prototype. This interactive prototype will make sure that you get the feel of the real product and it can be sent among the target group with variants for A/B testing. We will also help you with project estimation and define project scope so that it can help you with project planning. This exercise is approximately around 3 weeks long and it can change based on the requirement.




Currently working as a Digital Marketing intern at Helix Tech.