Which Stack to choose? MEAN or MERN?

Deepti Gaonkar
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2020

With the growth of Agile development approach, it has become increasingly crucial to adopt the correct technological infrastructure to help expand your business’s ROI. Before choosing a stack for your business you need to examine the following:

  • The particular project requirements
  • Incorporating agility
  • The need to outperform project expectations for the audience.
  • Flexibility and scalability of the dev team
  • Total dev cost that can be borne

MEAN Stack

MEAN stack is a greatly prominent technology stack, and it’s a full-stack. “MEAN” is an abbreviation and the letters stand for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The techies use this stack to develop web apps. They also use it to develop mobile apps, however, we are expressing hybrid mobile apps here and not native apps. MEAN stack is JavaScript-based, and it’s open-source. It offers useful tools and plugins, the MEAN stack helps developers to create web and mobile applications promptly.

Benefits of MEAN stack

  • MEAN stack development services cover the full spectrum of web development from front-end to back-end using only JS.
  • MEAN stack developers find it accessible to develop applications on this stack as it curtails much of the boring and routine tasks and facilitates development.
  • It comes with a booming set of in-built testing tools.
  • There is huge community support for this open-source project.

MERN Stack

MERN is one more open-source technology stack, and you can classify this too as full-stack. The abbreviation MERN stands for MongoDB-Express.js-React-Node.js, and you can build web and hybrid mobile apps with it. Like MEAN, MERN too is a compilation of JavaScript-based database, framework, and runtime environments. The MERN stack offers an end-to-end framework to developers, and its demand is growing swiftly.

Benefits of MERN stack

  • The MERN stack covers the full development cycle from Front-end to Back-end using JS.
  • It supports MVC architecture for the sleek development procedure.
  • It allows developers to know only JS and JSON for development.
  • Has a large set of testing tools.
  • Has wonderful open-source community support

The similarities between the MEAN and MERN stacks


In the world of web development, picking the right stack needs an accurate understanding of your project’s needs and the costs you would be complacent in bearing. It also has a lot to do with the dev team you would hire to build the application for you. Thus, it is critical to adopt a custom software development partner who can commend you on choosing the right stack for your business needs and help unfold your desires.

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